Good or bad Idea to Switch from CFL to HPS


Active Member
Running about 120watts of actual CFL wattage, But i want a Large ammount of product from my one plant per grow, Mainly to make butter out of to kill pain. I want to Put 4 70watt HPS bulbs from Seed to finish, Wondering how much heat this will generate and what kinda Yeilds ill be looking at


Well-Known Member
The HPS will be better than the CFL's that's for sure. Lots of things depend on yield, so its hard to give you an answer.

How big do you want it to get?
Are you using nutrients?


Active Member
Well rite now no nutes, I have some 10-20-10 Plant food (liquid stuff) and If u look into the link u can see the setup i have going rite now, Not sure what kinda Heat these Bulbs would put out or how close to theplant they can be