Good quality Humidity dome


Well-Known Member
Anyone have a link or a lead to a good one.Im so sick of buying the cheap ones and they get bumped and it fucks up the whole dome so it stops holding humidity.I been buying the cheap 10 dollar ones with the cheap plastic top.There good for a couple weeks but seem to get warped and you can see they stop collecting water on the insides.I was gonna build one out of plexi but figured i would ask here first.
I dont need a heat mat,or any gimicks just a quality dome that makes a nice fit.Dont even mention aero,I have one that sits in the corner i never use.To much of a pain in the dick to keep sterile.
They all suck imo

Thats one of the main reasons i switched to aero cloners.

I always just figured they where disposable

But it would be nice to find a pro quality set up

But i agree if you need a tough dome
To find clear plastic containers

Or build one out of plexiglass
One more vote for Mondi!

Tall enough for just about any cutting, slightly sturdier plastic, adjustable vents and they already fit directly over the cheap black lower trays I already have.
Anyone have a link or a lead to a good one.Im so sick of buying the cheap ones and they get bumped and it fucks up the whole dome so it stops holding humidity.I been buying the cheap 10 dollar ones with the cheap plastic top.There good for a couple weeks but seem to get warped and you can see they stop collecting water on the insides.I was gonna build one out of plexi but figured i would ask here first.
I dont need a heat mat,or any gimicks just a quality dome that makes a nice fit.Dont even mention aero,I have one that sits in the corner i never use.To much of a pain in the dick to keep sterile.
many back east use a typical shopping bag

see thru about 4 usg absolutely free

throw out after each use to avoid the mold

or as me go bubble cloner

did I ever say that is fun...?

good luck