good question about growth!!!!


Well-Known Member
yea i think i'll stick to 12/12 but jus sayin might b 1 or 2 strains out there that like lil bit more light or dark.. i aint gona try it i'll let the pros mess around with that sorta shit i want bud nice sticky green!!


Well-Known Member
LOL nah its my bad i been wating for a smoke for a while.
and its no internet language mumbo jumbo its just letters NRG no one uses it on the internet.
If you say it (NRG) you hear energy
and i have got no A's LOL (growing a plant)
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Well-Known Member
That is the reason people use 24 hour lighting (what was mentioned before about 18/6 being natural), but the chance of using it and it solely causing hermied attributes in a female plant of cannabis are next to nill, in fact nill.


Well-Known Member
First off, this is total bullshit. Second, learn english.
WTf you cocky fuck .
i am english so how about you shut the fuck up and just wish you was english .
and FUCKING up the cycle of 18/6////12/12 can give the plant HERMIE so WTF you on about .
24/0 is possible to give hermie just because you havent had it once .
TALKING shit learn what your talking about befor .


Well-Known Member
24/0 being purely a vegitative cycle, cannot cause a plant hermaphriditic traits, these traits develop purely in the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
Plants do grow faster (more efficiently) during dark periods... HOWEVER during darkness the plant is running only on energy it has stored during from the sun during the light period - so the growth is faster at night but limited by the amount of daylight hours (energy stored) in the previous light period.


Well-Known Member
Efficiency is one thing, but the OP questions was.

"do plants grow MORE in the day or night cycle of flowering?"

Like height, bud size, ect....


Well-Known Member
i opened this dibate and what it is, is when i was in veg my plants seem to grow more in dark nut now in flowering i gave they 36 hours dark before moving to 12.12 and in the forst 12 hours light the plant doubled in size yes doubbled. went from 10 inch to 21 inch in just 12 hours i thought that was crazy