Good Real Life Drug Lord Books???


Well-Known Member
well for my sophmore year of highschool i have to read go ask alice and thats a book about drugs, My suggestion is that you go to barns and noble and look for books on the history of drugs


Well-Known Member
books i'm not to sure but, dvds shit i got em all. this has been my profession for a while. pablo was that dude in all but, times have definitely changed. but, everyone knows pablo's story pretty much so i'll pick up where he left off. i don't know about all of these but check out you tube for some of these videos or google them:

-cocaine cowboys
-gameover(richard porter story)
-rayful edmonds story(second biggest in u.s history)
-rick ross(biggest in u.s. history)
-Kennith Williams(gave suge knight the money to start deathrow records)
-carlton hines story
-black mafia family (the federal investigation of their organization lead to the indictment and conviction of world renowned jeweler to the stars "Jacob the Jeweler"
-Chambers Brothers
-furtado brothers(John Gotti actually reported to them as far as the new york drug trade was concerned

also there is a magazine that you must subscribe to if you really want to know about such a topic it is called Don Diva The Original Street Bible. they have a web site check it out if your into hustling their magazine is a must have. but, the list i gave you is dvd. good luck in your quest though.


Well-Known Member
oh, while i was doing a bid a read a lot of books about such a topic. most were fictional though. there is a author from my city by the name of Christopher Goines and his shit is tight. but my favorite "drug lord book" is a book called Dutch. i read the first two will i was down and i heard the third was coming out but, i haven't looked into it just yet. thanks for the topic now i'm reminded to get the new one. but, Dutch it's a must.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor has a big ass poster of that scene where there just chillin with stacks of money