Good results with cheap co2 supplements?


Hey yall. First time grower five plants here! i have read co2 plays an important role in bud density. growing with a hid lighting, yeast/sugar concoctions and seltzer water. Is this enough co2 supplements for my indoor grow? Has anyone had good results with cheap methods? replies are greatly appreciated.

everyone cherishes there first borns! :lol:



Active Member
I'm getting amazing results with a boost buddy co2 bag ($35 ebay) on top of my grow light, and a 2 liter yeast and sugar dispenser in a 4x5 room. Def notice a huge difference than without.


Well-Known Member
im running a Boost Buddy in my 3x3x6 hydrohut with a 600 i cant wait to see what kind of effect this bag of fungus has on my garden... i have to admit im a little skeptical tho. but we will see.


Well-Known Member
my buddy has some co2 bucket thing. I have a co2 tank. I kinda rigged it funny, 4 sets of 30 min at 3cf/hr. but ya it definately fattened up my buds and colas, and increased yeild about 25%
I had yeast but it wasn't sufficient enough IMO, so i switched to candles(produces lots of C02), works great and more maintenance-free + you get rid of that icky yeast smell. Just put it into a metalcase or something so that A) it's protected from the fans and B) so it wont start a fire.
I occasionally do up a batch of homebrew, which I guess would count as a "yeast/sugar concoction." I leave it to ferment in the tent, releasing CO2 constantly, in 5-gallon batches. I just went through all my grow journals and crunched some numbers about a week ago, and all other things being equal (it's been by no means a properly controlled experiment), harvests with homebrew going have been 12% heavier (12% more production in dry weight per plant). But like I said, I've used different strains here and there, vegged some longer and some shorter, etc., so by no means controlled for other variables. My tent cranks out two of my favorite vices that way, and seems to help the production of the green one, so bonus for me. If anyone's going to give this a shot and doesn't know much about brewing, you have to brew an ale (higher temps) and you have to have some way to keep the brew from being spoiled by light (I use a thick t-shirt around the 5-gal carboy, rubberbanded at the neck).



Active Member
in my set up each plant has one 2 liter bottle with 1 tsp bakers yeast and 1/2 c cane suger in each (filled 3/4 full with RO water). you have to kind of swish the bottles once or twice a day to keep everything active but it will last about 10-12 days. I go 2 weeks on and two weeks off because its kind of expensive but all the leaves turn a nice, rich bluish-green and the buds do become a little more dense.

I bought 1/4 tubing from a hardware store, drilled a 1/4 hole in the lids, fed the tubing thru the hole and super glued it in place. the tube has a T-splitter so the tube runs up the branches and splits for two outlets. I try to get the ends to feed the upper and inner parts of the plant on the basis that c02 is heavier than air and will want to fall as it is also spread by the general breeze in the room.

the home brew idea is awesome. that's kind of like getting two birds stoned at the same time


New Member
in my set up each plant has one 2 liter bottle with 1 tsp bakers yeast and 1/2 c cane suger in each (filled 3/4 full with RO water). you have to kind of swish the bottles once or twice a day to keep everything active but it will last about 10-12 days. I go 2 weeks on and two weeks off because its kind of expensive but all the leaves turn a nice, rich bluish-green and the buds do become a little more dense.

I bought 1/4 tubing from a hardware store, drilled a 1/4 hole in the lids, fed the tubing thru the hole and super glued it in place. the tube has a T-splitter so the tube runs up the branches and splits for two outlets. I try to get the ends to feed the upper and inner parts of the plant on the basis that c02 is heavier than air and will want to fall as it is also spread by the general breeze in the room.

the home brew idea is awesome. that's kind of like getting two birds stoned at the same time
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