Good soil formula to start out?


Well-Known Member

I use a hydroponics solution even for my soil plants. Basically it has everything a plant needs to live in it since water alone doesn't have these. There are 14 nutrients that a plant needs to survive. But all we are going to talk about are the main nutrients. N-P-k. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Ever wondered what those 3 numbers on the front of the bottle meant? Well there you go.

During our grow cycle the plant likes a fertilizer high in nitrogen. Something like 20-5-5. It uses the nitrogen for strong stem and leaf growth. After you change over to your flowering cycle you will want a fertilizer that is high in phosphorous and potassium. Something like 5-15-15 should work well.

The avatar ... lol ... is supposed to represent my dislike for dickheads...LOL


Active Member
So how much fertilizer should you mix in with soil or do you just use fertilizer and nothing else. Also in order to feed the plant, do you take the whole plant out and put in some fertilizer and replant it?