Good SOIL? Good growing idea?


Active Member
Alright well first off i was going to home depot or lowes today to get some soil but wanted opinion on whats the best soil to get for what im doing.

Im growing in kind of a wet area with not great soil but amazing sunlight. My plan is to bury 5 gallon buckets filled with my own soil to prevent surrounding shrubs to steal nutrients and to also prevent too much water. I plan on drilling holes in the 5 gallon buckets, and filling the bottom with rocks and also drilling (more) holes on the bottom to drain additional water. Was wondering if this has been done before/if its a good idea, and what soil to get. THANKS


Well-Known Member
I friend of mine does it to protect the root bundle from frost, I think it makes the plants smaller... but, I don't really have any comparison.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people here recommended Miracle Gro to me, so that's what I got. JUST planted them a little while ago. I'm growing in pots on my back deck so that I can protect them (plus, we've got assholes from the county who like to walk onto our land without our permission, then send us letters telling us they can't make inspections because the large aggressive dog. Just you wait you assholes, gimme a chance and the dog'll be more than just aggressive and there'll be more than just one!) and keep things private.


Well-Known Member
i disagree with miracle can stun your plants since some of the products have food in them..the best kind of soil is any of the fox farm products but idk if you can find that in your lowes or home depot..depends on your area/state..couldnt find it in myn...i just stuck with a basic soil was called sta-green soil mix. id go w/ any basic mix that is not a miracle gro product. good luck:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well crap, they had Sta-Green at Lowe's! I'm not replanting or remixing that soil, my back is SHOT at this point and Darvocet's the only thing that's going to help.


Active Member
I'm also narrowing down soils to use. I know they probably don't sell fox farm around me so I'm thinking either Jungle Growth, Sta - green, or pro mix....i dunno, what do u think?


Well-Known Member
id rate them in the order youve listed them..jungle growth is very good, sta-green is also solid im not sure about the last one so i cant give advice on that one..but all three of them seem like solid choices...if you can find jungle growth for a solid price..go for it...good luck man:mrgreen:


Active Member
miracle-gro is crap the time released nutes will burn your plant and it is loaded w/ insects and bark, promix ph is good but has NO NUTES like eclo 1 said differently, so you have 2 b on top of nute game to uise that stuff, the best hands down is fox farms ocean forest and add 40% perlite to it this stuff is awesome and i grow in nothing else anymore screw hydro F.F. rules. i also find it hard to believe that people on here recomened miracle-gro only nubes usae that crap becuz u can find it everywhere, i've actually been writing to mirlce-gro to ask them to put on the bag that this crap is not recomened for marijuana growing, garbage and infested w/ insects DO NOT BUY MIRACLE-GRO ur plants deserve better, if u can't find it then hope in your car and drive to the closest hyroponics store or order online