Good soil.


Active Member
I am starting to grow very soon and I was reading up on soil and most people said they like to make there own, well I cant do that due to limited shops and I don't want to do hydroponics because I dont know how. Anyways I ran into this soil that is at the local store and it says it has peat moss and pertile which the majority of people said they used in there home made soil. so here is a link tell me what you think and if it will be good to grow for about a month then does anyone know what i should switch to after that? :confused: also it says that that stuff is good for 3 months so I think it might work for the whole period of my plant.

sorry for the long paragraph.. :peace:

The Snowman

Active Member
if there are any hydro stores around you, go to them, they have the best soil. get foxfarm or promix if you can, they are a little expensive but worth it.


I agree with the snowman.......... sunshine mix number 4 is good! for every 5 gallon bucket of promix I add 1/3 of a bucket of vermiculite. then i also add 1/4 cup of dolamite lime because the ph tends to drop around week 4 due to decomposition. Hope this helps ya!!!


Active Member
i dont have a hydropnics store around me, so what about the soil in the link? We'll i dont think i have a hydro store around me...

The Snowman

Active Member
i dont have a hydropnics store around me, so what about the soil in the link? We'll i dont think i have a hydro store around me...
you can certainly use that soil but like i was saying if there is a hydro store around you then i'd go there, but if there isn't and ordering it isn't an option then miracle grow or scotts soil is probably going to be your best option if you don't want to make your own soil.


Active Member
thanks for postin bud, and yeah i think ill go with that, should i transplant from that starting soil to a diffrent soil after a month? and wen i start to grow how do i tell which are male and female and by that time will it be too late? do they have to be in the flowering state or what?

The Snowman

Active Member
yeah probably, just regular miracle grow soil or the moisture control if that's all you can get then, male will produce balls, females will produce white hairs(pistils) about a week to 2 weeks after you turn your lights to 12/12


Hey man,
Sounds like you’re in the same boat as me, a small local family owned building center with an even smaller garden section lol. What I normally do is I'll pick up some pre-mixed potting soil ex: miracle grow potting soil (going with what I have), cow and sheep manure, perlite and vermiculite and some peat moss. Now everybody has there own recipes for mixing, here's mine:

25% pre-mixed potting soil
25% cow and sheep manure
25% vermiculite and perlite
25% peat moss

I mix it all in a big container with a medium flower pot, I add 4 scoops of pre-mixed potting soil, 2 scoops cow manure and 2 scoops of sheep manure, 2 scoops of vermiculite and 2 scoops of perlite and 4 scoops of peat moss. So yeah 25%, 25%... Makes for a very fluffy soil so the roots have zero problems getting around, dries out a little on the quick side. I water once a day but I don't mind I get to see my babies more often :) .

So yeah hope this helps,

Set-up info 250 watts lights on 24/24, 3'x3' room with oscillating fan.



Active Member
i use just plain SUNSHINE #4 bail bought from my local grow shop ... there is nothing in this soil its 0-0-0 so you control what goes into it