Good source for water purification gear.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would pass along a good source for water filtration gear. RO units, carbon filters, sediment filters etc

I found these guys after doing a bunch of research on how to remove chloramines from my water. That's chloramine, not chlorine. Unlike many websites an dealers they have excellent information and do their research to give end users the straight story. I have one of their basic filter units and ordered another. I called and spoke to them and ended up talking quite awhile about medical growing and we traded info on LED lights.
It is always refreshing to find a company that is passionate about what they are doing and actually want to do business the old fashioned way.. Sell you a quality product that they are knowledgable about not just push units out the door. The best part is their prices are very competitive.

So if your in the market for some water water gear then give their website a look or better yet just pick up the phone and call them. They are aquarium specialist but they sell quite a bit of gear to medical growers.



I found that R/O was causing me problems plus since it takes out all the Calcium and Magnesium I had to replace that at great cost. I have a company that offers whole house systems for hydroponics that makes perfect water for your grow and for you. See this link.!hydroponics/ce9p We build large commercial hydroponic systems and find that using this type of system we save so much water, your r/o system is at least 1 gallon of waste for 1 gallon of pure water, not environmentally sound. Plus I do not need to add Calcium or Magnesium so just think of that savings! Best of all your pH will be much more stable, the Calcium compounds that are naturally in your water keeps the pH in balance. Best of luck to your grow!