Good Spot? (need help from experienced growers)


Active Member
I found an amazing spot yesterday in some old craters that no one ever ventures to because its slightly hard to access and the amount of rattlesnakes and such in the summer. Now that ive found a good spot I have a few questions.

First is in the summer here it gets up to 105+ sometimes so Will that damage my plants in any way and also should I bring soil to the spot or just use the dirt there?

I have some pics of the spot and the soil and all maybe I should post.


Active Member
Oh yeah also how frequently would I have to water it? Its about a 30 minute hike to the spot(for safty) but will I have to go there like everyday, Once a week??? Also has anyone ever used an aquaglobe lol? it says it waters your plants for 2 weeks

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
aquaglobe aint enough water for a weed plant in 105F haha. u might wana bring in sum of ur own soil and prolly will have to water every 3 days depending on the heat. wut strain do u wana grow in this intense heat?


Active Member
Yeah the heat may stun it's growth. If you get the plants going good before the high heats you will increase your chances. If nothing else make sure to till up the soil and add some water absorbing crystals. These crystals absorb water and release it as the soil around it dries up. That should help on the amount of watering needed. Add some fertilizer like bat guano or some fertilizing pellets. Bringing in some soil conditioner or soil for flower beds would also help tremendously if you have dry unfertile soil.

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
for veg u wanna 30 15 15 fert and flowering u want 15 15 30. veg they love nitrogen and flowering they love potassium. go with time release if ur out doors. wut is ur set up buckd316?


Well-Known Member
its gonna be really really difficult to start seedlings in that weather. i have had seedlings get cooked in 90 degree weather. it is going to be crucial for you to start them indoors, at least develop some roots before they go outside. be creative. good luck fellow grower


Active Member
Listen to Wigmo. I like to start everything indoors (MJ and Veggies). The chances for survival skyrocket. Birds also love seedlings, they recently tore into my broccoli sprouts. I use a cheap "greenhouse". It's more like a cassarole dish shaped plastic bottom with a clear plastic top. Helps keep moisture up while sprouting.