Good Strain Purchasing (cant do it)


Well-Known Member
I'd like to buy some good strain off a website but im afraid of the risks with having my daughter living with me and as well living in Ohio of United States.. Would anybody be ok with sending over some decent quality strain and figuring out some payment method..? Thanks..


Active Member
if you lived in my city, i could help you out. if i were you i would NOT BUY OFF THE INTERNET. its just a bad idea. and no one would send fricken pot seeds in the mail. what if a dog finds it? you would go to jail for a long ass time and so would the sender (if they could trace it back) which they prolly could. its not just a misdemeanor when marijuana goes into the mail. its a federal crime with serious penalties. not worth it. u could be a copper. not likely. but no one would do that


Well-Known Member
Just use the seed banks on the internet. I used Nirvana a couple months back for my first seed order, i was a little para so i got it sent to the office under the companies name. I received a slip saying please collect from local post office and away i went. There very good, discreet and stealth packaging was excellent. Give it a shot, i dont think you will have much of a chance on the forums. All the best.


Well-Known Member
I might do as you said with the post office.
My good buddys cousin use to have weed FedExed to his home, regardless how that sounds, thats how hes done it for a while. Well one day to his suprise when he wen't outside to grab the 23 pounds of dope in his package an undercover cop came out and told him he was under arrest and could face 4-6 years in either jail or prison I forgot.. but sense he never opened the package they really couldn't get him on much of anything so he got off with I believe 4 years of probation.. I don't know what they did about him having kids.. people tell me if you get caught doing this kind of shit they can take your kids.. would this be true?

I dont know some crazy shit.. but it happens.. I really hate the risk..