Good Strains To Grow Over My Summer Vacation?

so i was planning when i get home from school to plant about 20 seeds and see how much i can yield. i live in new jersey and i was looking to plant some outdoors but im only home for a total of 14 and a half weeks for my summer vacation and i dont know if that'd even be long enough for me to grow a plant and i dont know any strains that would be ideal for me to get being that i'd have to harvest them in mid to late august. any help would be much appreciated.

ps- climate back home is pretty hot, humid, and usually pretty rainy during the summer months.


Active Member
Yeah Check out the single seed centre's autoflower selection, they have blueberry, diesel, moscow, haze, sooooo sooo many, they are pretty cheap. I like the Flash Seeds- Autoflower, "Santa" and "Speedy Gonzales", They are like $3 a seed and a kick ass IME..

and autos grow really small(1-2ft) so you could possibly grow one in a dorm(stealth) and nobody ever know..

Just google "single seed centre"


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest going with an autoflower variety also if you absolutely have to be finished by mid to late august, even though your yields won't be very large unless you plant a lot. You can do cycles by ordering seeds ahead of time and starting right when you get home (early May I'm guessing). Raise as many seedling inside as you can for at least a few weeks then move them outside. Small 2-3 gallon buckets work well and in my opinion provide a little more protection from small animals, but directly in the ground is more stealthy. By the time the first set is ready to be moved out, have more seeds germinated and ready to take their place. If everything goes smoothly, you can easily get 2-3 cycles in before you have to go back mid August.

You have plenty of time so read what you can about different methods of growing outside. Be aware the growing outdoors, especially guerilla style, can be a very time consuming hobby depending on a lot of factors. How far away from home do you go to school? If it isn't too far, and you sometimes come home on weekends anyway, you could plant regular strains that are known to finish early and don't need that much attention since you'll be at school for the most critical part of their life cycle. You can find strains out there that are said to finish mid to late September.
thank you guys very much. i was thinking about an autoflowering but i never really knew how they did outside. i gave it some thought and i think im actually going to start them inside. i was even thinking about when i get home from school starting em in the backseat of my car, it'd be like a poorman's greenhouse. appreciate all the help. i was planning on getting a pretty decent yield because i do smoke a ton and unfortunately its an expensive habbit so im mainly doing this to smoke for free, not sell or anything. so i was planning if i did want to get a big yield, i figured i'd have about 15-20 plants. i dont know if thats a little excessive but it'll work out.
i live about 5 hours from school so coming home to check on my plants isnt much of a possibility. i go to school in vermont. we have a lot of really good growers up here and i'd like to get their opinions on what would be best for me but they keep to themselves about their business, cant blame them of course. i was researching strains and came across that autoflowering strain called santa and was interested in it so i'll check it out and give it a shot if it looks good.
im sorry i have so many questions for you guys, i have never done this before. with the autoflowering seeds, it doesnt say if they are safe to plant them outdoors. i found speedy gonzales and santa and they look awesome but i just dont know how sucessful i'd be outside with them. anyone ever done it?
Im actually looking at santa and speedy gonzales right now. which was easier for you and which got a better yield?
Yeah Check out the single seed centre's autoflower selection, they have blueberry, diesel, moscow, haze, sooooo sooo many, they are pretty cheap. I like the Flash Seeds- Autoflower, "Santa" and "Speedy Gonzales", They are like $3 a seed and a kick ass IME..

and autos grow really small(1-2ft) so you could possibly grow one in a dorm(stealth) and nobody ever know..

Just google "single seed centre"


Well-Known Member
Autos can be grown outside. Personally, I think that's the best application for autoflowering plants.

Do not start them in your car man. It's stupid and you'll probably get caught and arrested. I'm sure you have a closet at home. So, get a few 6500K CFLs or a couple 6500K flourescent lights. They have 24" T8 flourescents lights at wal mart for like $8 a piece and the 6500K replacement bulbs for around $8 also. You can fit about 4 plants under 2 of them for about 2-3 weeks or until they start flowering. With CFL's you can probably do it even cheaper.