Cupboard guy
Active Member
Pretty much as the title suggests, struggling to find a t4 so what’s the consensus on good quiet temp controlled fans?
Might be worth asking @diyled when he plans on restocking the AC Infinity Cloudline fans.Pretty much as the title suggests, struggling to find a t4 so what’s the consensus on good quiet temp controlled fans?
Pretty much as the title suggests, struggling to find a t4 so what’s the consensus on good quiet temp controlled fans?
@Renfro @Barristan Whitebeard @coreywebster
It’s good to know I can get one local, heard nothing but good things about the aforementioned diyleduk.
The squirrel cage fan is a route I’d never considered before I’ll go look into it although it’s looking like a preorder.
Cheers for rallying guys, appreciate it.
OK thanks, warning heeded. I grow about 10 feet from my head so keeping those pesky decibels in check is a must. Our lass can sleep through it but I'm not so lucky.Just be aware that not all squirrel cage fans are as quiet. One I linked is some Chinese thing that have started been imported last couple of years.
Never was there a fan so quiet before that. Spent my growing life looking for quiet fans and some ive had were incredibly expensive and loud asf.
I think I will be getting one of these AC infinities when I redesign my room, the extra control is a bonus.
diyleduk is a solid guy, done me right several times. He knows his stuff too.
I've tried every silencer build and trick from every forum but if your fan is a piece of shit there's only so much you can do, right?!
I had thought that, I reckoned smooth walls create no turbulence so the air should flow a little quieter.I've swapped over to rigid plastic ducting just to be neat but did notice it is much quieter than flexible ducting.
Every little helps if noise is a concern.
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