Good temperature controlled fan in the uk

Pretty much as the title suggests, struggling to find a t4 so what’s the consensus on good quiet temp controlled fans? have just started retailing the ac infinity fans available with either speed controller or with temp controller.
As far as I know he's the only guy selling them in UK.

Other than that there are cheaper fans like ram that have speed controllers or you can get a standard fan and add a temp controlled variable transformer but they are not as quiet or as accurate . They tend to just ramp up from idol to full blast when temps go over what you set it.

There are lots of options from sms , some are very expensive and some will make your fan hum.

Rhino also do a thermostatic controlled fan too. But most fans like this are around 50db where the ac infinity is around 33db

EDIT, restocking end of july on ac infinity. Try and preorder one if your interested because he sells all his shit out fast.
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If you cant get an ac infinity in time I use these. Which are even quieter but lower airflow. So do make sure you buy one the correct size.

Coupled with one of these for thermostatic control

But the ac infinity will offer more control, having more speeds to ramp up and down as needed.

Also if quiet is a key factor always go up a size in fan , duct and filter and turn it down to a lower speed, much less noise that way.
@Renfro @Barristan Whitebeard @coreywebster
It’s good to know I can get one local, heard nothing but good things about the aforementioned diyleduk.
The squirrel cage fan is a route I’d never considered before I’ll go look into it although it’s looking like a preorder.
Cheers for rallying guys, appreciate it.

Just be aware that not all squirrel cage fans are as quiet. One I linked is some Chinese thing that have started been imported last couple of years.
Never was there a fan so quiet before that. Spent my growing life looking for quiet fans and some ive had were incredibly expensive and loud asf.

I think I will be getting one of these AC infinities when I redesign my room, the extra control is a bonus.

diyleduk is a solid guy, done me right several times. He knows his stuff too.
Just be aware that not all squirrel cage fans are as quiet. One I linked is some Chinese thing that have started been imported last couple of years.
Never was there a fan so quiet before that. Spent my growing life looking for quiet fans and some ive had were incredibly expensive and loud asf.

I think I will be getting one of these AC infinities when I redesign my room, the extra control is a bonus.

diyleduk is a solid guy, done me right several times. He knows his stuff too.
OK thanks, warning heeded. I grow about 10 feet from my head so keeping those pesky decibels in check is a must. Our lass can sleep through it but I'm not so lucky.
I've tried every silencer build and trick from every forum but if your fan is a piece of shit there's only so much you can do, right?!
I've swapped over to rigid plastic ducting just to be neat but did notice it is much quieter than flexible ducting.

Every little helps if noise is a concern.

Amazon was selling them also.
Got to be quick but.
Sold out in a day or so.
Retailer was a company called Proxel