good time to water?


ive just started to grow and my seeds just sprouted. im watering them once a day. is that good? or am i watering them to much?


Well-Known Member
do you have a picture so we can see it and then what kind of medium it is and size pot/ or cup


Well-Known Member
i would say about 2-3 then in time 3-4 and so on as u get bigger pots. because if u water to often the plant never gets any oxygen threw the roots. so u water the soila nd dryes out and roots absorb oxygen then u water and it gets water adn nuts and then drys it gets oxygen so on and so on.


Well-Known Member
If they're in containers, its really easy. Lift the container, water it until there is run off, lift the container again. Keep lifting container twice a day and don't water until it feels at least 50% lighter.


Active Member
I like to water every morning before work, and depending on how much time I had to water that morning, sometimes once in the afternoon when I get home. I don't want my schedule to revolve around the plants, so I try and focus on how much I should be watering them every morning, instead of how often I should water them.