Goodyear marijuana grow busted

Shed specifically built for this in the backyard, presumably tons of money invested, and they get a tip from a neighbor due to smell, or so the news says?
What I can't understand, if you're spending this kind of money to erect such a building for this purpose, why wasn't odor control on the to do list?

Over 100 plants? That can't be good anyway you look at it.
This was way out in the boonies too, by the PIR race track.. Pretty much a lot of desert.... 100 plants will make the air stanky stank though.
Sounds like it.. Those houses are all on acre lots and shit and literally in the middle of the desert.. nothing is really west of PIR except some custom houses.
I've found that when a grower tells one person, you might as well take out an ad. I told 2 people over my whole time growing. what I found out in round about ways, was that both told their significant others and one of them told her parents and brother (all pot heads) who knew me. when I asked them why they told anybody, they both basically said; it's my wife, I tell her everything. shortly after finding out, I told both of them that I quit growing and I moved to the opposite side of the valley. now they get no free meds and both are divorced. so much for trust.
Unless it was close to someone's backyard or some bs, because i just google mapped that shit and they aren't small lots at all. that driveway pic was deceptive i thought it might have been in a development.