Google Earth finds 2 acres of ganja


Well-Known Member
You guys have got to see this... funny stuff, unless it was your field.
Actually, now that i think about it, not funny, very very sad story....


Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I am always skeptical when I read these stories of people getting busted from google earth. It's not like it is a live picture. When I look up my house it shows the garage that was torn down in 2002. Maybe the big cities are updated yearly but as far as the small towns definately not. If they get busted it is because they have been staying in the same spot forever.


Well-Known Member
Yea, these dudes must have just been growing in the same spot for years,... not to bright, but you know; if its not broke, don't fix it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, these dudes must have just been growing in the same spot for years,... not to bright, but you know; if its not broke, don't fix it.
that rule works well except when dealing with the always gotta adapt to stay ahead of the pigs and even then. If they are on to you its pretty much over


Well-Known Member
What the hell are they talking about?? "The only thing they didn't account for was satellite imaging".. They were growing in a corn field for crying out loud!! Farmers, planes, and theives also pop into my mind as possible risks..
And sometimes its worse than weighing the whole wet plant to get the numbers.. I've seen situations where they include the rootball and a few gallons of soil too, then work that out to $25-30/g even though most junior high kids can get it for $10/g..:)


Well-Known Member
I am always skeptical when I read these stories of people getting busted from google earth. It's not like it is a live picture. When I look up my house it shows the garage that was torn down in 2002. Maybe the big cities are updated yearly but as far as the small towns definately not. If they get busted it is because they have been staying in the same spot forever.
Im not sure how it works I think if you sign up for a membership and pay for google earth the pictures update more often but I know when I checked a long time ago it was an old picture of my house