Google Earth/Maps Game- Weed related photos/places.


Active Member
Hi All, I thought id start up this thread, I apologize if it has been done before. I love google earth and have spent alot of time on it over the years, never really coming across anything weed related, hopefully thats soon to change :) Your welcome to post anything here thats weed related, whether its your favourite coffee shop in amsterdam or a place of significance (provided you include why). Anything of interest really. Please do not include locations of any secret grows or excessive pics of possible guerrilla grows. Ill try and start this out with something interesting.


Active Member
Found this after some googling... Its a man sitting on a bench holding a sign saying 'Marijuana (something, perhaps 'for sale'), No free Photos'
Lol. + Rep for the first person to find someone smoking a joint :)


Active Member
View attachment 1880799

You can get this one easy.
UMISS where there garbage weed is grown - this is what the finished bud from them looks like -

it's not bud it's like stems and leaves, they refuse to grow actual cannabis with buds that gets you high because they want to prove that cannabis is useless for medicine. FUCKED UP. So hate to burst everyone's bubble but the G13 story is BULLSHIT and it's now your duty to pass that on to others. If it was true, G13 wouldn't even get you high and would look like roadside hemp in Wisconsin. After drying and curing it would pretty much look like this, all leaves and stems


Well-Known Member
UMISS where there garbage weed is grown - this is what the finished bud from them looks like -

it's not bud it's like stems and leaves, they refuse to grow actual cannabis with buds that gets you high because they want to prove that cannabis is useless for medicine. FUCKED UP. So hate to burst everyone's bubble but the G13 story is BULLSHIT and it's now your duty to pass that on to others. If it was true, G13 wouldn't even get you high and would look like roadside hemp in Wisconsin. After drying and curing it would pretty much look like this, all leaves and stems
UMISS is also where the remaining 12 of the original 13 Federally provided for MMJ patients get their tins of joints.


Well-Known Member
UMISS where there garbage weed is grown - this is what the finished bud from them looks like -

it's not bud it's like stems and leaves, they refuse to grow actual cannabis with buds that gets you high because they want to prove that cannabis is useless for medicine. FUCKED UP. So hate to burst everyone's bubble but the G13 story is BULLSHIT and it's now your duty to pass that on to others. If it was true, G13 wouldn't even get you high and would look like roadside hemp in Wisconsin. After drying and curing it would pretty much look like this, all leaves and stems
That proves nothing about the g13 strain smart guy. Some retards at university of Mississippi mean nothing to me. I dOnt think anyone ever claimed that it came from UMISS. Also. WTF does any of that have to do with google maps pic of weed.


Active Member
Thats a big warehouse to grow (less than) 12 patients worth of weed :P
Since this has already been busted, I guess theres no harm showing an image that lead swiss police to this plantation. (taken in 2009 I think)

It looks like any other field to me, I think the swiss police probs had a tip off aswell which made them decide to look at satelite imagery.


Well-Known Member
Thats a big warehouse to grow (less than) 12 patients worth of weed :P
Since this has already been busted, I guess theres no harm showing an image that lead swiss police to this plantation. (taken in 2009 I think)
View attachment 1880822

It looks like any other field to me, I think the swiss police probs had a tip off aswell which made them decide to look at satelite imagery.
That's pretty cool. You can see it if you look close. The chron is the lighter green patch inside the darker patch. Looks like they tried to surround the her s with other crops. So on foot you wouldn't see it. Clever.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
My understanding of it is that 1)g13 was a government produced weed. 2) that the only ACKNOWLEDGED location for government growing is UMiss. I think that these two beliefs coincide to the assumption that g13 was grown at UMiss. That doesnt neccessarily mean though that it was in fact grown at UMiss. I personally believe it was. I also know that 3) the weed grown from UMiss is supposed crap. Again though that doesnt eliminate G 13 as.being bred there. It is possible, in true.goverent style, that they found g13 too strong and didnt want to give it away. Maybe they thought it would be more fun to give them the much less potent g8 or g5
The whole thing is based off speculation, one thing for certain is g13 has been bred and bred and bred and is generationally as close to the original as I am to charlemagne. Whatever the story, its still strong ass weed. I would like it if they bred weed in the muir space station, zero gravity weed...the story would get you higher than the bud


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