Google Glass lets you fuck yourself!


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on this, I just heard the idea on The Daily Show. You and your partner wear the glasses which allows you to view yourself from your partners perspective. So would you watch it?

I think it would be pretty educating, maybe you'd get a new perspective on how to improve your technique or something. Would it matter? Think it would change the way you performed?


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on this, I just heard the idea on The Daily Show. You and your partner wear the glasses which allows you to view yourself from your partners perspective. So would you watch it?

I think it would be pretty educating, maybe you'd get a new perspective on how to improve your technique or something. Would it matter? Think it would change the way you performed?
Strange Days...

By the way...You say some weird fucking stuff sometimes.

Do you remember Strange Days?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be awesome to see what someone else sees while they're fucking but doing it while trying to fuck them seems like it could get disorienting.


Well-Known Member
Umm videos! Playback is crucial in any performance improvements! Plus revisiting the film is sure to help me reach climax that much faster! My dick looks way bigger on camera too.