GOP is dying off. Literally.


Well-Known Member
So what happens when people stop voting republican. Are we going to be stuck with a one party system? Maybe a real liberal party will emerge to take on the democrats.
That's the same thing I predict

Both parties lean right and clearly, Americans are sick of it. I think a left leaning party will emerge and challenge the democrats with a wide majority

This trend is beautiful

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
in what way (mandatory interactions)?

Is that a serious question? I'm a little taken aback if it is not self evident to you. If you reply that your inquiry was serious, I will consider elaborating on it....just because you are special.


Well-Known Member
Is that a serious question? I'm a little taken aback if it is not self evident to you. If you reply that your inquiry was serious, I will consider elaborating on it....just because you are special.
The only response that best suites your comment here, is the following:

Wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
You don't like suites on your comments? I much prefer formally dressed comments. Thank you very much.

Holy shite, I vaguely remember those.
A suite is different to a suit, although I suspect you know that already.

If all the Republicans die off, will the Democrats split down the middle with the more left leaning Democrats on one side and the righties on the other?


Well-Known Member
Is that a serious question? I'm a little taken aback if it is not self evident to you. If you reply that your inquiry was serious, I will consider elaborating on it....just because you are special.
yes i'm would be nice if you got into the habit of not answering a question with a question.


Well-Known Member
A suite is different to a suit, although I suspect you know that already.

If all the Republicans die off, will the Democrats split down the middle with the more left leaning Democrats on one side and the righties on the other?
Yes, I knew, and still to this day know, that suite and suit are two completely different things. I mistyped in my original comment. Rob was gracious enough to find and correct said mistype. And I was merely being cheeky in my response to his correction.

If all Republicans die off, we will be left with 350+ million more reasonably thinking individuals and we might actually make progress in this country.


Well-Known Member
The GOP isn't dying, leaving, etc. It's going to survive.

Yes, it's outdated, is riddled with infighting, and has no collective direction at the present time. But in the (near?) future, it will reinvent itself and once again become a formidable opponent. Just like the Democrats had to do (and did) after Ronald Reagan destroyed them.

The GOP has got to accept 2 things in its "recreation": marijuana legalization, and gay marriage. Until the GOP unifies under these 2 ultimatums from the American people, it will continue to flounder.

No republican stands a fucking chance of beating Hillary, unless she somehow beats herself by making major campaign mistakes.


Well-Known Member
The GOP isn't dying, leaving, etc. It's going to survive.

It's outdated, is riddled with infighting, and has no collective direction at the present time. In the (near?) future, it will reinvent itself and once again become a formidable opponent. Just like the Democrats had to do (and did) after Ronald Reagan destroyed them.

The GOP has got to accept 2 things in its "recreation": marijuana legalization, and gay marriage. Until the GOP unifies in these 2 ultimatums from the American people, it will continue to flounder.

No republican stands a fucking chance of beating Hillary, unless she somehow beats herself by making major campaign mistakes.
only one dem:wink:

and there is no way you are gonna get them on gay marriage..they'll go for weed and abortion before gay rights.

quite steadfast on that one.

what's happening is the tea will be the new gop and establishment drift left but still right of center..centrisican?


Well-Known Member
only one dem:wink:

and there is no way you are gonna get them on gay marriage..they'll go for weed and abortion before gay rights.

quite steadfast on that one.

what's happening is the tea will be the new gop and establishment drift left but still right of center..centrisican?
You may be right about the GOP not accepting gay marriage. IDK.

I'm thinking that after Hillary (or Bernie) gets about 70% of the popular vote in 2016, the GOP will be willing to do anything to get back in the arena. Even if it means choking down a few bites of gay marriage.


Well-Known Member
The GOP isn't dying, leaving, etc. It's going to survive.

Yes, it's outdated, is riddled with infighting, and has no collective direction at the present time. But in the (near?) future, it will reinvent itself and once again become a formidable opponent. Just like the Democrats had to do (and did) after Ronald Reagan destroyed them.

The GOP has got to accept 2 things in its "recreation": marijuana legalization, and gay marriage. Until the GOP unifies under these 2 ultimatums from the American people, it will continue to flounder.

No republican stands a fucking chance of beating Hillary, unless she somehow beats herself by making major campaign mistakes.
you douches also have to drop the racism within your party.

until you do, you will never win a national election, as the demographics have changed and you can't just skate by with a sizable portion of the white vote anymore.

but racists like you don't change.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes i'm would be nice if you got into the habit of not answering a question with a question.

Okay then. (takes a deep breath and suppresses a laugh).

You see, some people have annointed themselves as your leaders, let's call them government. They have lots of Gorilla thugs with guns that aren't smart enough to be Orangutans, but will enforce the Orangutans edicts for piles of bananas.

You, being a wild woman are living happily in the forest, eating nuts and berries and having explosive orgasms every time some other Wild man (let's call him Abandon Conflict) makes a funny. Then out of the blue you are caught in a net and put in a cage, where Chimpanzees probe all of your orifices without your consent. You have now experienced government.

Now, does that explanation help?