Gorilla Cookies Autoflower from FastBuds


Well-Known Member
This plant has been growing fast. She is approximately 30 days old. Give or take 2-3 days. I am growing it under the AC Infinity Iongrid S22. I am using Dr. Earth Premium Gold All Purpose and Dr. Earth FlowerGirl for my nutrients. My soil is roughly 70% Promix HP and 30% earthworm castings. Keeping it on 18/6 light cycle it's entire life. My water comes out the tap at roughly 35 ppm and around 6.5ph so I don't mess with it at all. I only topped her one time when she was about 4 nodes tall. From there is been just LST for training. She started in a 2 gallon fabric pot but I recently moved her into a 5 gallon fabric pot with fresh ammendments and soil. I am super excited to see how this turns out. She's smelling very strong so far.


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Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant!

My first five grows were autos and they can be beasts.

I grow my autos 24/0 until flower and then 21/3 or 20/4 after that. Cannabis is a light whore loves light and autos thrive under high light conditions just like photoperiods do. In terms of light, I would guess that a good hang height and dimmer setting would be 14" at 50% power. That's a guess based on the PPFD map here. Most growers are timid when it comes to turn up the dimmer switch which is too bad because that's the only way that plants make food. I strongly recommend spending $32 for a Unit-T light meter and getting lots of light on your grow. Cannabis is a prolific yielder when it's well fed.

Another thing - leaves are the solar panels for plants and there's very little need to remove leaves, well as far as the plant is concerned, that is. If in doubt, leave it on the plant. Not only do leaves generate food for a plant but they also act as nutrient stores. When the plant is in flower, it will move nutrients from the older leaves to the newer leaves at the top of the plant. As that happens, the leaf will turn yellow and wither ("senesce") . At that point, it's of no value to the plant so you can snip them off. That's a general guideline. Other folks will chime in as your grow progresses.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant!

My first five grows were autos and they can be beasts.

I grow my autos 24/0 until flower and then 21/3 or 20/4 after that. Cannabis is a light whore loves light and autos thrive under high light conditions just like photoperiods do. In terms of light, I would guess that a good hang height and dimmer setting would be 14" at 50% power. That's a guess based on the PPFD map here. Most growers are timid when it comes to turn up the dimmer switch which is too bad because that's the only way that plants make food. I strongly recommend spending $32 for a Unit-T light meter and getting lots of light on your grow. Cannabis is a prolific yielder when it's well fed.

Another thing - leaves are the solar panels for plants and there's very little need to remove leaves, well as far as the plant is concerned, that is. If in doubt, leave it on the plant. Not only do leaves generate food for a plant but they also act as nutrient stores. When the plant is in flower, it will move nutrients from the older leaves to the newer leaves at the top of the plant. As that happens, the leaf will turn yellow and wither ("senesce") . At that point, it's of no value to the plant so you can snip them off. That's a general guideline. Other folks will chime in as your grow progresses.

Keep up the good work!
I appreciate the advice. Currently I have the light set to 80% power hanging around 18" above the plant. I have been gradually increasing it from about 20% up until now.