Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.


Well-Known Member
I put my clone out direct planted on Memorial Day. If you check out what Gangagirl420 did there is lots to learn there, I know I did. 3 months inside for a good start then huge holes or pots. I know what I'm doing next year and it's just that.
We hadsome hard frosts till May 29th..here in Michigan. I didn't have a spot...and i thought the area I have now...would have too much trash in the dirt or maby some harmful stuff like oil,old gas dumped there. It was full of garbage,like a dumpster. I was very leary at first. And then came the realization I would have to prep the area. It had about 10 2" thick 7ft tall seedlings. so I had to cut down,remove roots,till up 2ft deep the entire 15x11ft area. It took about 16days for me to get it acceptable. I learned alot. and with my area already starting cleaned out next year...plus the soil being in much better shape, so I will have a much better situation. I have no complaints. It was an experiment. And I'm still doing very good (I think) for a new outdoor grower who had no good organic soil, and got a 6-7week late start on every one else. It's no compitition. I just want healthy and good meds and to know I pushed my plants to their maximum potential with the time and space I have. my space is only a 6ft privacy fence. I want to add Laddice to the top but it will block light. I'm ok with my 6ft tall by 6ft across beauties. I am expressing my freedom as a compliment mmmp participant. And I couldn't be happier

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Greetings and Salutations! I'm here in southeast Michigan as well and have read through your post and tons of great information! I'm hoping that some will chime in with some advice (Please ).
This time of yr it's normal fo

I've recently lost my mentor (A devastating loss) and just not sure where to turn... I'm thinking that my girls here are possibly displaying a nitro deficiency (the yellowing leaves starting at the bottom). They were taken outside May 21st. All were transplanted into 20 gal pots in a super soil mix (bat guano, Peruvian sea bird, worm castings, mixed some fox farm ocean forest and some mycorrizhae...I think that's all) and have just been given ph'd 6.5 tap water that I have sit overnight before use. I also sprayed with neem oil last week as well as gave them some calmag. They were doing great until now...please help
Greetings and Salutations! I'm here in southeast Michigan as well and have read through your post and tons of great information! I'm hoping that some will chime in with some advice (Please ).

I've recently lost my mentor (A devastating loss) and just not sure where to turn... I'm thinking that my girls here are possibly displaying a nitro deficiency (the yellowing leaves starting at the bottom). They were taken outside May 21st. All were transplanted into 20 gal pots in a super soil mix (bat guano, Peruvian sea bird, worm castings, mixed some fox farm ocean forest and some mycorrizhae...I think that's all) and have just been given ph'd 6.5 tap water that I have sit overnight before use. I also sprayed with neem oil last week as well as gave them some calmag. They were doing great until now...please help
It is okay that they are yellowing this time of yr. Don't add more nitrogen. You want the plant to pull the N from its leaves. You will get a bigger harvest. Some of the biggest yields I've seen people have ...most of their plants were yellow.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
It is okay that they are yellowing this time of yr. Don't add more nitrogen. You want the plant to pull the N from its leaves. You will get a bigger harvest. Some of the biggest yields I've seen people have ...most of their plants were yellow.
While yellowing is normal for plants finishing outside it doesn't normally start to get prevalent for me until bud production goes into high gear and near the end the leaves (sun leaves) are basically falling off like the maple tree beside them. If my leaves were turning yellow now then yes I would be concerned but it may very well be a strain thing. My photo's are green with no yellowing where as my auto's (yuk lol) are almost done and yellowing up. Same nutes, same schedule.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
While yellowing is normal for plants finishing outside it doesn't normally start to get prevalent for me until bud production goes into high gear and near the end the leaves (sun leaves) are basically falling off like the maple tree beside them. If my leaves were turning yellow now then yes I would be concerned but it may very well be a strain thing. My photo's are green with no yellowing where as my auto's (yuk lol) are almost done and yellowing up. Same nutes, same schedule.
Looks like some of here are already in flower and tho I agree it's N starved....I wouldn't add any N this late in the yr. But that's just me.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Looks like some of here are already in flower and tho I agree it's N starved....I wouldn't add any N this late in the yr. But that's just me.
In flower? Wow that's amazing, my light schedule is pretty much the same I would think and it's still 15hrs of light here.....that's why strain has a big bearing on everything that happens. A bit of nitrogen in flower has actually seemed to help my grows but I just top dress with a bit of blood and bone meal till the end. And yes you have some amazing plants GG. Haven't seen much fade on yours, have they actually started?


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg May 29th I planted my first ever clone in regular dirt. image.jpeg
Now I'm getting pretty proud. 9 weeks into veg. FIMed and topped multiple times. Picked off two bad leaves and water and fox farm liquids daily. PH 6. Mother Nature has been good to me.


Well-Known Member
The big bloom says it's organic, I disagree, the other two don't claim to be. He'll be fine i think. It's all learning now, think how much you know more now than when u started. Then next grow you can find new an improved ways to screw up like I do!!!!!!! Good luck an perhaps now that you have those nutes you can do side by side tests
Love it improved way to screw up that's me been growing almost 2 years still can't get it right


Well-Known Member
I posted this already on the wrong thread but here I go again. Day #5 of flower, only a few hairs per node but I will post a close up of the new growth tomorrow ( requested by GG420 ) lol.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Still not 12/12 but your getting flowers, do you think If i put some already flowering plants outside they would continue to flower?
I really don't know. I might have been a little early but I'm still flushing her with 3 tbsp of cal mag per gallon so I can still give her more nitrogen if needed to stretch more. Sunrise at 6:33 and sundown at 8:44 today in my neck of the woods so you are right but getting close.


Well-Known Member
Same here metro detroit just wondering if i put some plants in flower already would they continue to flower
I really don't know. I might have been a little early but I'm still flushing her with 3 tbsp of cal mag per gallon so I can still give her more nitrogen if needed to stretch more. Sunrise at 6:33 and sundown at 8:44 today in my neck of the woods so you are right but getting close.


Well-Known Member
I remember your in the D. Someone will chime in and help you.
Hope so i got mites i have been able to keep them at bay but not get rid of them killing my indoor crop bad. I put a few troubled plants outside a while back and the problem cleared right up but I'm 4 weeks in and mites are back just treated with azamax killing me softly those dam bugs outside i know i can get rid of them I'm moving soon so i will be cleaning house in a few months starting of fresh all new plants probably from seed or I'll quarantine clones for a few weeks

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Hope so i got mites i have been able to keep them at bay but not get rid of them killing my indoor crop bad. I put a few troubled plants outside a while back and the problem cleared right up but I'm 4 weeks in and mites are back just treated with azamax killing me softly those dam bugs outside i know i can get rid of them I'm moving soon so i will be cleaning house in a few months starting of fresh all new plants probably from seed or I'll quarantine clones for a few weeks
It's all strain dependant I think and you may risk reveg but if it means saving your other crop I probably would if me.