Got a few spider mites day 9 of flower. Mighty wash is 2 years old exactly is it still good?


Well-Known Member
Seen a few spider mites on a few leaves. Is mighty wash still good of having it for exactly 2 years?
It’s probably ok, if it’s been kept in a reasonably cool, dark place. Try it and see, about the worst thing that can happen is it won’t work. It does contain pyrethrins (and canola oil).
It’s probably ok, if it’s been kept in a reasonably cool, dark place. Try it and see, about the worst thing that can happen is it won’t work. It does contain pyrethrins (and canola oil).

I was spraying Pro Crop 1, but I don't know why it wasn't working? Maybe I didn't get every leaf... I will wait a few days and spray Pro Crop 1 on maybe day 12 of flowering and do it again on day 17.... I'm glad this is my last plant ever, sick of this shit... Luckily from 2015-2022 everything was perfect.