Got a free mature plant never harvested cured or dryed tips?

My friend ill call him stony for this post, is a gentlemen who is higher up in age. He recently stopped smoking he still had plants growing however. Today he told me i could have one but there a little past prime and im getting it generally educated on drying and curing but have never done it personally any tips or advise?


Well-Known Member
1st of all you need to know if they are ready to harvest

Well hes been growing for a loooong time so i do trust him that there a little over ripe since he grows outside and we live in ohio its getting pretty late in the season here


Well-Known Member
Will post tomorrow no plant yet.. He said its not that big but super stinky
Do you have a plan for what you're going to do with that plant? If you've never been around a fresh cut plant, you're in for a world of surprise as to just how stinky things can get. Please be careful. Also yes, I agree with Macncheese that you have a great friend! Maybe you can ask him for help in trimming and drying.


Well-Known Member
It’s hard to tell but it doesn’t look like there many if any white hairs. Do you have a jewelers loupe to check trichs?


Well-Known Member
It does look done. I think he was right that it’s ripe. If you got a loupe check the trichs if not I would have to say it’s ready.