Got a hermie, best options?


Well-Known Member
I recently found two small male pollen sacks on the side branches of one of my Electric Fruit Punch plants. They are just over 3 weeks into flowering and the sacks have not opened yet. I really don't see a point to throwing out a great looking plant over two small sacks unless more appear. I was told that you can carefully pinch/pluck the sacks off but is this true?


New Member
u can try to pull the sacks off evryday....but when i got a hermie... i cut off all the branches with balls, and juss left the cola...and its a really nice male parts anymore


Well-Known Member
hmm well since there are only two I want to try plucking them off first because the branches got some nice buds. If it keeps on hermying I will just cut the branches like you suggeted or just remove the plant.

Any other opinions?
the best bet is to grow the main cola..once you pluck more will grow and it might release pollen during lights off period so why risk it???


Well-Known Member
Ok, that's the reason why I brought this thread back because I thought I screwed up and hopefully it won't have too big of an impact. Earlier when I went to pinch them off I found about 5 on one plant, and one on two others. I found the 5th one right before I was getting ready to put it back with the rest, it was about half the size of a grain of rice but had already opened. When I took it off (foolishly) a small amount of pollen got on bud around it so ive accepted there's pollen there. What are the chances that the other 4 plants got pollinated by that one sack? I'm worried because there is an oscilating fan which blows over them, so is my sensimilla ruined?
chances are they are all pollinated.. if you are lucky and they are not pollinated move the hermie to a seperate space and hopefully the damage wasnt done..


Well-Known Member
if youre trying for a sensimilla youre done. you will find hundreds of male sacks. and its imposable to try and pluck them off no matter what anyone says. they will sneak past you and explode and release the dreaded pollen. you could try what 'THCinmy' says but those sacks have already popped with millions of male pollen specs all over. sorry to burst your bubble. i just have dealt with them many times.


Well-Known Member
damn it sucks when you don't hear what your hopin for lol. I'll learn from this, I couldn't believe how fast they grew because I looked at all of them yesterday real good and only found the one but when I checked today I saw all of those! I will be extremely grateful if not all of them got pollinated because it was on a lower part of the branch and toward the middle where the air doesn't blow as hard so I'll cross my fingers. Tomorrow when the light comes back on I'm checking them again and any branches that they've grown back on are coming off.
move your hermies away from females if you have any..they will pollinate in dark periods without you grow them in seperate areas