Got a new bong


Well-Known Member
Loving the cake.

Giving a 15 year old a bong? Stupid on a level incomprehensible.

I have a simple rule for my daughter: you want to drink or smoke pot, you do it with me, here, at the house. Nowhere else.

So far, she has taken me up on champagne for New Years and that's about it. Offering them a safe, controlled environment to experiment in is one thing. Buying a 15 year old a bong and saying, "have at it" is another thing entirely.

10 bucks says that kid never makes it to college.


Well-Known Member
I also quit smoking weed (for vaping), but since I got the new silicone bong, I've been sneaking nice bong hits and coughing..

Lol at 15 my mom was buying whatever booze I wanted and it was kept in the cupboard with their brandy... I was more into vodka and wines. I would have a drink with her at night when she came from work and we'd shoot the shit. I was basically done drinking by about 23.