Got a new car today...A Nissan Versa...


Well-Known Member
Our old car only got 15 mpg highway...but this new one got between 39-44 all the way home tonight! Oh the places I'll go. So much less stress when you can't visually see the gas gauge getting lower while you drive...Hooray!
Fuck yeah! I got a new Jeep Wrangler in June and it gets way better mileage than my old rig.

P.s. it's soooooo sweet with the top off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah.... I haven't hit any raccoons...did hit a pavement colored rubbermaid tote on the interstate the other day though...who leaves a huge piece of gray plastic in the road?...anyway it was scary, but no damage..although I did have to get out and remove the tote from my bumper, and I know in the mitsu I could have just gone right over it...


Well-Known Member
So, I can see drawbacks to both ride...but it is worth the low slightly bumpy ride to save as much in gas as we are saving...I keep looking silly though...everytime I stop at a gas station I try to put $10 in the car...But it won't work with the Versa..there is only so much gas it can hold...and it hangs onto the gas it gets so much I look like a weirdo buying 10.00 and coming back in for 6 of it over and over and over...I'll get used to it though and start remembering that I don't need gas everyday now.


Ursus marijanus
I otoh run the needle down just as far as I dare ... then fill it to the tune of about $60.- at a whack. Once it actually sputtered for the last half-mile to the gas station ... that day told me that this was the first vehicle I had where E stood for i mEan it ... but it's routinely more than 400 miles between fills for me. I record the fills and back-calculate gas mileage. cn