Got a question for ya sub


Well-Known Member
So i been looking through your strains, and decided on the Querkle. So heres the question... I read in the description about the best ways to grow it and you said "Best way to grow Querkle is vegged to a large bush or untopped in scrog." So how does the strain respond to topping? That is how we usually do things.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
It responds by slowing down even more
Bottom line is while Querkle is slightly faster than Urkle its just not fast I vegg mine for a full 90 days with topping and training and its still my lowest yield but also the stash I treasure very highly!



Well-Known Member
Hmm maybe i should pick a different strain then. What strain would you recommend for a decent yielder and faster finisher?


Well-Known Member
The detailed strain guide has any info you could want to know people just have to read it.

We have 19 strains and each have a specific purpose.

It responds by slowing down even more
Bottom line is while Querkle is slightly faster than Urkle its just not fast I vegg mine for a full 90 days with topping and training and its still my lowest yield but also the stash I treasure very highly!

The detailed strain guide has any info you could want to know people just have to read it.

We have 19 strains and each have a specific purpose.

Good info.As i chose querkle myself.I guess a 60-90 day veg wont hurt.I dont plan on topping or lst tho ill let it grow on its own see how it produces.As long as the product is good smoke then i will keep it.


Well-Known Member
I'm stoked for the Querkle... I just started my 10 pack a couple of days ago. JTR is almost done, she's a beast.

Slow growing actually sounds fine to me! I do a 60 day veg cycle.