Got busted last Aug.... Got sentenced


Well-Known Member

2yrs probation with a defered judgment. Meaning if I stay outta trouble for the next to years my record gets wiped clean.

This was my first real run in with the police other than a couple of Failure to appear warrants/arrests over drivig under suspension.

I completed 5 weeks of Drug classes before going before the judge. And I'm still doing 6 weeks of "aftercare classes". The classes are complete bullshit. But what a ya gonna do?

All in all it's been pretty painless. I wouldn't plead guilty to "intent to deliver" (keep all baggies and scales out of the grow area) so they gave me a straight manufacturing charge. Peace.

mookie brown

Active Member
I'd say you were lucky, Now just keep your nose clean & you wont have any problems.

I have a friend serving a full 25years over a sheet of acid, he gets out in 3 years & he was very lucky because they could of easily given him 1 year per hit.

Stay clean


Well-Known Member

2yrs probation with a defered judgment. Meaning if I stay outta trouble for the next to years my record gets wiped clean.

This was my first real run in with the police other than a couple of Failure to appear warrants/arrests over drivig under suspension.

I completed 5 weeks of Drug classes before going before the judge. And I'm still doing 6 weeks of "aftercare classes". The classes are complete bullshit. But what a ya gonna do?

All in all it's been pretty painless. I wouldn't plead guilty to "intent to deliver" (keep all baggies and scales out of the grow area) so they gave me a straight manufacturing charge. Peace.
Congrats!! By the way, How many plants were you growing?

And how do you think you got caught?

thx in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'd say you were lucky, Now just keep your nose clean & you wont have any problems.

I have a friend serving a full 25years over a sheet of acid, he gets out in 3 years & he was very lucky because they could of easily given him 1 year per hit.

Stay clean
25 years is max in canada dont matter if he had million hits

but the states have stupid sentencing haha

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
sucks dude. I did a 2 year differerred sentence a while back. I had to go to 25 classes or something my lawyer told me to start taking them because I was gonna have to do them anyway and it would look good for my court date. I started doing them before the court date and was almost finished. I got put on the 2 year def and probation, wnet to see my PO and she UAd me. I failed and she made me start all my classes all over again and had to bite the bullet and quit smokin. Worst harvest day of my life!!!!

Anyways man do what you gotta do it's tough but it's so worth it you can't support your family from jail just remember that.


Well-Known Member
Next time don't answer the door unless the cop threatens to have a warrant. I don't know why you wouldn't spray glade or febreeze before answering the door for a cop. if your house reeks for marijuana just light some incense , use some common sense or your gonna get busted


Well-Known Member
They got me with 54 plants, in Iowa...They came to serve a warrant on my neighbor and knocked on my door to see if I knew where he was.

The 1st judge I was in front said "You better hope the Feds don't pick this up" but I never heard from them.

I didn't here much at all really. They charged me with Manufacture, Drug Stamp and Posession with intent to deliver. They dropped the drug stamp and intent to deliver.


Sector 5 Moderator
"Never, ever answer the door for a cop - period."
~Barry Cooper, Never Get Busted / Never Get Raided

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
They got me with 54 plants, in Iowa...They came to serve a warrant on my neighbor and knocked on my door to see if I knew where he was...
Crap man, I probably read about it in the news paper. There have been quite a few grows busted in Iowa the last year or so.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Got off pretty easy. I always just took the jail time and kept my bond money when I was younger.Little jail does ya good makes a man out of ya......or for some little girls lol..yeah acid is pretty hard for charges alot of states if you have 3 or more hits you can be tried for attempted murder orpossesion with intent to do bodily harm both no good but straight murder isnt so bad now adays they give you 20 you do 6 and are out lol
man,thats sucky!i had a super close call last summer!i talked real fast and got real fucking lucky.i told them they couldnt come in.they left to get a warent and i cleand house!by the time they came back everything was all good!man fuck those stupid cops!!!know your rights!!!!dont get bullied by police!!!!!