Got busted, wont be on for a while :(


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so i got busted by the popo a couple days ago. I got out of jail on a bond ( thank you so much parents). Luckily i was only in there for 2 days. It sucked hugely. I dont have anything on my record not even a speeding ticket so my lawyer says he can get the charges dropped and i just will have probahtion and have to take a class or something. Court is coming up and ill let you guys know how it goes. I got 2 felonies and a misdemenor. They havent told me how they caught me but i got a hint that a neighbor smelled it, i hadnt gotten a carbon filter yet ( stupid fucking me). I dont sell so thats the only way. Let that be a lesson to you that you must buy a carbon filter, dont be cheap like me.

So i wont be on here till my probation is done because its toooo tempting looking at all your good buds.

Good luck and i will be back once this thing is over.




Active Member
your lawyer is a big cant drop felonies...maybe one but not all charges..dont care how clear your record is...depending on the state your looking at 6 months min dude..sorry bro but a grow is more of a problem then selling


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Probation is better than hard time though. Hopefully things work out for ya, might as well party like a rock star on new years eve. What did they find? What are the charges? Don't listen to anyone, you won't know your sentencing 'til ya hear it in court.


Well-Known Member
your lawyer is a big cant drop felonies...maybe one but not all charges..dont care how clear your record is...depending on the state your looking at 6 months min dude..sorry bro but a grow is more of a problem then selling

well i got a really good lawyer, and he says ill have 0 jail time. I trust him and i highly doubt they will give me jail time since i wasnt selling.

I got a felony for cultivation( 24 2 inch plants), a felony for 20+ grams( which they found on my camera pictures). I didnt actually have any dry smokable bud in my house thank god. And i got a misdemenor for a pipe. Both felonies were 3rd degree(w/e that means)

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Sucks man... I got three felonies and all I had was 2 grams... but then again I had other things... and I was 17. I didn't get convicted of one felony... got 2 misdemeanors.


Well-Known Member
your lawyer is a big cant drop felonies...maybe one but not all charges..dont care how clear your record is...depending on the state your looking at 6 months min dude..sorry bro but a grow is more of a problem then selling
Yes you can:bigjoint:Ive won 5 felony cases when they should of stuck.

You will more then likely be able to get a good deal with the felonies dropped down to a misdameanor since you dont have a record.Id be hoping for probation and community service they might throw in a fine I cant see you doing jail time from this.But DONT listen to anything anyone on here says about your case just listen to your lawyer.
What are they trying to hit you with?


Active Member
ok believe wat you wish homie...just tryna put reality in you mind...24plants even in cali is way in hell your walking out with jus probation trust...3rd degree felonies cant be dropped fully off...your records will only have something...your pipe will be dropped yea and the culitivation down to like 12 plants but dude thas too much to wipe out completely even with a spotless and helpfull record..sorry dude but trust me and what i say...been there done that got a county t-shirt


Active Member
Yes you can:bigjoint:Ive won 5 felony cases when they should of stuck.

You will more then likely be able to get a good deal with the felonies dropped down to a misdameanor since you dont have a record.Id be hoping for probation and community service they might throw in a fine I cant see you doing jail time from this.But DONT listen to anything anyone on here says about your case just listen to your lawyer.
What are they trying to hit you with?
you said it yourself they drop it to somethin else not read his charges...and think about yours your lawyer had somethin that helped you. also the state you were in also was your situation had mad loop holes
ok believe wat you wish homie...just tryna put reality in you mind...24plants even in cali is way in hell your walking out with jus probation trust...3rd degree felonies cant be dropped fully off...your records will only have something...your pipe will be dropped yea and the culitivation down to like 12 plants but dude thas too much to wipe out completely even with a spotless and helpfull record..sorry dude but trust me and what i say...been there done that got a county t-shirt
i think its called first offenders act...dude you will only get probation being that its your first offense and not a violent one


Well-Known Member
ok believe wat you wish homie...just tryna put reality in you mind...24plants even in cali is way in hell your walking out with jus probation trust...3rd degree felonies cant be dropped fully off...your records will only have something...your pipe will be dropped yea and the culitivation down to like 12 plants but dude thas too much to wipe out completely even with a spotless and helpfull record..sorry dude but trust me and what i say...been there done that got a county t-shirt
damn I didn't see the part with 24 plants but if they were only 2 inches that will look better.The D.A.'s gonna try and make it look you were some big time cultivator supplying the city or some shit like that.The pics you will be able to get dropped more then likely.But dont take none of are advice because I dont think RIU has any lawyers on it.Are you hoping they throw you a good deal or are you going to trial?


Well-Known Member
in MI medical use is a valid defense without the card BUT you can only have 12 plants total
and your lawyer is right esp the 20+ because you had photos-bullshit say they were photoshopped to look cool to the other guys on riu

Big P

Well-Known Member
what state is this in

24 2" plants cant weight more than 1oz lol

and that brings me to the next important questions

how could it have been the smell that got you busted?

did the 24 2" plants even smell?

sounds like a tiny tray of bunch of little plants they couldnt have smell too bad


Well-Known Member
Nanskies shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. He ain't doing 6 months min...Why even open your mouth when you don't know what your talking about? I got proabtion on worse felonies than that.:joint:


Well-Known Member
you said it yourself they drop it to somethin else not read his charges...and think about yours your lawyer had somethin that helped you. also the state you were in also was your situation had mad loop holes
I did have a good lawyer everytime and 3 out of the 5 times the so called victims lied under oath and got caught so that helped me alot.The other 2 illegal search and seizures helped alot.Now I just have to win this case and I'll be 6/0 but this trial isn't going so hot so far,I just gotta hope for a miracle.


Active Member
i think its called first offenders act...dude you will only get probation being that its your first offense and not a violent one
if they can prove its gang related or big time culitivator..the first offenders program doesnt work...also its mainly for minors...who have petty offenses and can have them reformed with classes instead of jail...when your 18 or older its harder to get that class..he knew the laws and depending on his state he was only aloud 12 plants 6 mature 6 unmature...too many factors to hurt the mj laws and how there being taken advantage of...remember the 20yr old in fl he's looking at time with a lawyer as well...believe what you wish..i seriously hope and pray im wrong...jail sux
Nanskies shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. He ain't doing 6 months min...Why even open your mouth when you don't know what your talking about? I got proabtion on worse felonies than that.:joint:
+rep iblazethatkush...i hate when ppl talk law stuff and they never been read their rights