Got busted, wont be on for a while :(


Well-Known Member
Also good idea with the getting off RIU thing. I joined when I was on probation. The temptation was too much (not just from the site). Then, I thought since I knew when the tests were coming, I could smoke weed and just quit a week b4 the test. This worked for a couple months. But, I finally tested dirty. Luckily, I had my probation transferred to a diff. state and the state where the charges come from don't extradite out of state. Except for violent and sex crimes. So now, I will have a warrant out for my arrest the rest of my life. Or until they decide to extradite. IDK but it makes it a bitch getting a job. Good luck bro. Hope all turns out well:peace:
if they can prove its gang related or big time culitivator..the first offenders program doesnt work...also its mainly for minors...who have petty offenses and can have them reformed with classes instead of jail...when your 18 or older its harder to get that class..he knew the laws and depending on his state he was only aloud 12 plants 6 mature 6 unmature...too many factors to hurt the mj laws and how there being taken advantage of...remember the 20yr old in fl he's looking at time with a lawyer as well...believe what you wish..i seriously hope and pray im wrong...jail sux
i agree wit you one hundred percent but its called the 1st offenders for a can be 100 years old...if its your first offence its your first offencce....age doesnt cousin was 22 when he took it...and yes jail does sux...


Well-Known Member
ok believe wat you wish homie...just tryna put reality in you mind...24plants even in cali is way in hell your walking out with jus probation trust...3rd degree felonies cant be dropped fully off...your records will only have something...your pipe will be dropped yea and the culitivation down to like 12 plants but dude thas too much to wipe out completely even with a spotless and helpfull record..sorry dude but trust me and what i say...been there done that got a county t-shirt

I hope you are wrong.
24 plant's is not illigel in cali.
You're dr.'s recomendatoin overrides any county limit. According the the the law's. My Dr. upped my plant count to 36. And my wife is a pateint.
Plus I am part of a co-op. So I can grow 150. But I will never go over 98 or even close.

There are many judges and LEO who are against the drug war.
So I think this guy's lawyer is who he should be listening to.

I really hope the best for you Cyproz.


Well-Known Member
+rep iblazethatkush...i hate when ppl talk law stuff and they never been read their rights
Wait a sec. OP are you of Florida? That's where my felonies are from. Countriboi is right. You will most definitely qualify for the first time offender program. Probation all the way...And make your lawyer get u a good ass fucking deal. Because, a public defender can get you probation.


Well-Known Member
Nanskies shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. He ain't doing 6 months min...Why even open your mouth when you don't know what your talking about? I got proabtion on worse felonies than that.:joint:
lol I had a friend that got probation when he was caught running in someones house he just had to sit in the county for a couple months so that looked good they got it brought down to criminal trespassing witch is still a a felony but a bullshit one.I also had friends get 5 years probation for pleading guilty to armed robbery but they were minors they just got tried as adults and they sat in the county for 6 months so that also helped alot and they didn't find the gun.So you can get probation for felony's you just might have to sit for awhile but you got out on bail so you wont even have to sit.Good luck with this case.


Active Member
i know pently of people in cali who got off for there first time. All depends on your lawyer really. You can have 99 plants out here and its legal. (under a collective of course and with your 215 card). So if you ended up wearing a county t-shirt for your first time you probably found your lawyer in a cracker jack


Active Member
+rep iblazethatkush...i hate when ppl talk law stuff and they never been read their rights
atleast read all my post before open your mouth..been to jail got the t-shirt...i am a paralegal now so dude you two can go suck eat others being real not hopeful actin like its all ok...shit tryna let him know the real deal...not being hateful hopein im wrong your idiots and need not talk about shit you have no idea on


Active Member
i know pently of people in cali who got off for there first time. All depends on your lawyer really. You can have 99 plants out here and its legal. (under a collective of course and with your 215 card). So if you ended up wearing a county t-shirt for your first time you probably found your lawyer in a cracker jack
not first time..big time


Active Member
:hump:i see.. Never cool to hear someone getting busted.. ! Good luck tho.. stay away from the buds for awhile and everything will be coo.. You will probably start drinking alot more now lol.. Good luck!~


Active Member
I hope you are wrong.
24 plant's is not illigel in cali.
You're dr.'s recomendatoin overrides any county limit. According the the the law's. My Dr. upped my plant count to 36. And my wife is a pateint.
Plus I am part of a co-op. So I can grow 150. But I will never go over 98 or even close.

There are many judges and LEO who are against the drug war.
So I think this guy's lawyer is who he should be listening to.

I really hope the best for you Cyproz.
non co-op cards say you can grow 6 mature or ready to harvest and 6 unmaute or seedlings you have a co-op so you can easy do more if he even has a card and its not co-op or living with others with a card then their all his and thas bout this we all can wait til jan and find out...shit i hope im wrong


Active Member
how did he get cought off the smell of 24 2'' plants anyway? unless they smelled all his other grows and are now a witness along with the pics...idk


Well-Known Member
nanskies...i take it your a glass is half empty kinda guy. or perhaps its just that in making others feel bad, you feel better?

jesus man, leave him alone. your six months estimate is absurd. first offence with a good lawyer is cake, esp. if your 20 some plants are two inches tall.

my advice is to listen to your lawyer and be very certain to have the best one possible. don't loose too much sleep.

btw- what state are you in???


Well-Known Member
Wait a sec. OP are you of Florida? That's where my felonies are from. Countriboi is right. You will most definitely qualify for the first time offender program. Probation all the way...And make your lawyer get u a good ass fucking deal. Because, a public defender can get you probation.

yea im in florida, im 19 and never had any trouble, none.

please dont start a flame war guys.


Active Member
nanskies...i take it your a glass is half empty kinda guy. or perhaps its just that in making others feel bad, you feel better?

jesus man, leave him alone. your six months estimate is absurd. first offence with a good lawyer is cake, esp. if your 20 some plants are two inches tall.

my advice is to listen to your lawyer and be very certain to have the best one possible. don't loose too much sleep.

btw- what state are you in???
not hateful dont care if hes happy or not really..just i was pissed off as hell when i got time when everone plus my family lawyer said i was only gona have probation on my first offence...some states are more hateful than others...i got my charges in north carolina where you are wrong if your not white but now live in cali where everything is ok as long as your not it really depends on the state...what state did you get the charges in


Well-Known Member
yea im in florida, im 19 and never had any trouble, none.

please dont start a flame war guys.
By the sound of everything you should be good then.You should ask your lawyer to try and get you a deal when you just do like 90 days in the county and everythings clean no probation or nothing.Because you will more then likely fuck up on probation and end up having to do like 6 months.90 Days will feel like 2 weeks when your in there.


Well-Known Member
well i had 22 small 2 inch plants and 2 plants that were about 2-3 weeks into flowering but no real buds yet. Those were the ones that stunk i guess. Maybe a nosey neighbor looked through my window and saw my tent and knew what it was idk. I just know NEVER CHEAP OUT AND NOT BUY A CARBON FILTER lol.