Got caught with 12.4 grams of AM-2201, and 3.2 grams of JWH-018

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And i really think i am fucked because i have had charges of trafficking cocaine before this so i am best to leave feel me. im just a young black kid who dosen't want to be behind bars.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm 20 being on my own the last few years. Been more of a motivation to get my shit together. Excuses are like assholes, every ones got one


Well-Known Member
Parents don't necessarily mean biological or immediate family. Prefer not to describe details but I rent and the person is that of a parent


Well-Known Member
Lol I'd like to see you in public. Hit me up after you're done doing time. Much respect, remember night night keep your butthole tight :)
This is a fake thread and all of you fell for it i made that story up all you of you just got worked up for nothing sorry to do this to you guys it was funny while it lasted tho.. LOL
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