Got followed by a cop last night.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I was gonna post this last night but I was a little paranoid and a lot pissed off so I took a couple of xanax and smoked some bowls and promptly forgot about it but here goes....

I left my gf's place at about 10:00 last night. I pull to the end of the short dead end street she lives on. There's a car coming so I'm waiting but its really slow. It finally gets buy and its a city cop. I turn out in the opposite direction and I notice he pulls in a drive and turns around to follow me. I decide to pull in a gas station about a half mile from where I started in an attempt to let him pass by. I grabbed a drink and watched the cop from the inside. He pulls through a parking lot behind a service station across the road from the store I'm in, kinda parked behind hit but where he could see out, and kills his headlights. I walk back out to my truck and as soon as I get in he turns his lights on. I decided by this time just to go back to my gf's place instead of taking the 6 mile drive to my place. I take a few sips of my drink buckle up and turn out onto the road and the guy falls in behind me and follows me until I get back to my gf's place.

It was weird. I hadn't done anything to get pulled over and he wasn't acting like he was going to pull me over. He got very close. He looked like he was trying to not be noticed. I don't grow. I don't deal. My name doesn't float around any pot circles in town that cops might know about. I had around an eighth on me but I live in a place where you don't want to get busted. I realize it was just a random occurrence but it just really pissed me off.


Well-Known Member
It was the fact you were parked at the end of a dead end street and then once he passed you took off, very suspicious to anyone.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Probably thought you were suspicious and was waiting for you to make a traffic violation to stop you.

Probably smart you didn't drive the six miles.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna post this last night but I was a little paranoid and a lot pissed off so I took a couple of xanax and smoked some bowls and promptly forgot about it but here goes....

I left my gf's place at about 10:00 last night. I pull to the end of the short dead end street she lives on. There's a car coming so I'm waiting but its really slow. It finally gets buy and its a city cop. I turn out in the opposite direction and I notice he pulls in a drive and turns around to follow me. I decide to pull in a gas station about a half mile from where I started in an attempt to let him pass by. I grabbed a drink and watched the cop from the inside. He pulls through a parking lot behind a service station across the road from the store I'm in, kinda parked behind hit but where he could see out, and kills his headlights. I walk back out to my truck and as soon as I get in he turns his lights on. I decided by this time just to go back to my gf's place instead of taking the 6 mile drive to my place. I take a few sips of my drink buckle up and turn out onto the road and the guy falls in behind me and follows me until I get back to my gf's place.

It was weird. I hadn't done anything to get pulled over and he wasn't acting like he was going to pull me over. He got very close. He looked like he was trying to not be noticed. I don't grow. I don't deal. My name doesn't float around any pot circles in town that cops might know about. I had around an eighth on me but I live in a place where you don't want to get busted. I realize it was just a random occurrence but it just really pissed me off.
Acting supsicious is enough of a reason to follow you and pull you over if the cop feels like it. A good trick to not get pulled over is don't do suspicious shit or break the law. ;-)


Well-Known Member
like they all said, its probally cuz of the fact of where you were and how it looked to him. he was probally following you hoping you'd get nervous and make some mistake that he could pounce on and light you up. the ice breaker so to speak. then he can ask you all the questions in the world he wants, which he would try to use to trick you into betraying yourself.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
There was nothing suspicious. It's not like I was driving crazy out of the hood. My gf lives in a nice, family neighborhood. I drive through that part of town all the time and it is a small town but it's not unusual to see cars on the road that time of night. I wasn't parked on a dead end street I was waiting at the stop sign for traffic to clear. The cop was the traffic.


Well-Known Member
well, that throws that theory out the window. maybe your car looked like one they were looking for or a person they were looking for?

Sr. Verde

Nice area?

The cop probably had nothing better to do.

Shit happens to me over here all the time, no crime going on so they follow people and wait for them to fuck up for the chance that they're doing something wrong and they can arrest somebody

fucking cops.


this happens to me all the time.. I live in a smaller city and the cops really have nothing better to do than harass people.. My car is pretty noticeable too, dark tinted windows.. Its impossible to tell what theyre thinking you know.. Maybe he thought that you waiting for him to pass then going the other way was suspicious, but there was no way of really knowing that he was going that slow. So im thinking he followed you because you waitied so long to pull out, then you went the other way. The way i see it is that cops are just as paranoid as you, Guilty til proven innocent... lol. He was probably goin slow patrolling the neighborhood, noticed you sitting there and maybe seemed like you were waiting to see where he was goin, then you went the other way.. but im sure if you woulda known he was driving that slow you wouldnt have waited huh? Happened to me before, i could kinda see how that COULD look suspicious..

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
this happens to me all the time.. I live in a smaller city and the cops really have nothing better to do than harass people.. My car is pretty noticeable too, dark tinted windows.. Its impossible to tell what theyre thinking you know.. Maybe he thought that you waiting for him to pass then going the other way was suspicious, but there was no way of really knowing that he was going that slow. So im thinking he followed you because you waitied so long to pull out, then you went the other way. The way i see it is that cops are just as paranoid as you, Guilty til proven innocent... lol. He was probably goin slow patrolling the neighborhood, noticed you sitting there and maybe seemed like you were waiting to see where he was goin, then you went the other way.. but im sure if you woulda known he was driving that slow you wouldnt have waited huh? Happened to me before, i could kinda see how that COULD look suspicious..
I could see that. I didn't even see that it was a cop until he got right up to me. Its just what really pissed me off was how he parked across the road from the gas station and turned his headlights back on as soon as I got back in my truck. This was just different from a cop simply riding behind you. I believe bored small town cop is the best explanation.

A few years ago after dropping a friend off in his small town at 2:00 in the morning, a cop from his town pulls in behind me and follows me for 4 miles onto the highway and pulls me over right before I get to the the city limits of the next little town. Said I was swerving. He shined his flash light on my guitar and said with the most smart ass voice "Ahhh, you're a musician, huh?" He sounded like he had just figured the winning move in a chess game. Then he got a call on his radio and said have a good night and left pretty quickly.

Any one else have any stories dealing with the Barney Fife type small town cops?

Cow Tea

Active Member
Any one else have any stories dealing with the Barney Fife type small town cops?
Yeah... "Where's the dope at boy?" My town was fucked. I had to spend $250 on DUI class when I got caught with a couple grams of great herb. Whats even more fucked up is I wasn't in a car.

One time a friend and I were goin on a burn ride (back in high school. I'm smarter now) and were riding through some other small town and a cop followed us from the center of town to the town line and turned around.

Recently I was at a grocery store at ~8:30pm and there was a cop guarding the entrance. He had a shotgun slung around his back, which I thought was strange since I had never seen an armed officer at this place before. When I was walking in I stopped and asked him if there had been recent robberies in the store. He looked at me, absolutely disgusted at my unconventional appearance, and almost barked no at me.
When I got inside I walked down one of the isles and started looking at nuts and dried fruit. When I turned around he was standing at the end of the isle looking at me. And the rest of the time I was there, this cop with a shotgun was at the end of every isle I shopped at, even if I decided to go out of order. The guy followed me all the way to the checkout and turned around and walked back toward the isles when I was leaving.
Maybe I was just paranoid cuz I was high, maybe he noticed I was high, i dont know, but that shit is wrong. For real I cant shop in peace?