Hello to all, I don't read all the thread but I'd like to tell my experience about gnats a issue that destroy 3 mother plants I have and some plant in bloom and I had for months before fix, and sometimes I see some gnats fly in my room.
In Italy is pretty uncommon recognize gnats (now I know the problem they give and also how adult are and I see in very garden store) so I don't find no one that recognize what I had, so I search in a USA forum and I found the answer.
The first solution I used was
H2O2 and sticky traps, the H2O2 don't work the sticky traps are very good for the adults, so I change and I use
mosquito dunk every irrigation, and it help me but not fix, after mosquito dunk
I decide to use
nematodes and with nematodes I WIN the first battle but not the war at the second use of nematode I see no more gnats in my room, I also bought some carnivorous plant that works like natural sticky traps

I start to make some vermicompost and in my worms farm i see STRATIOLAELAPS SCIMITUS that kills gnats larvae so I also use that and for now I don't see nothing.
This is my experience and I hope someone can find it helpful , other advise I can give is :
don't make the soil too wet, if u can do irrigation from the bottom using a tank is the best way, u can also use sand on topdress or diatomaceous earth or neem cake.
I love biological fight so if I can choose I prefer predators to other solution, nematodes work very well (for the italian that read don't buy verdepieno's one they sucks, other predators are ok but their nematodes don't work well) stratiolaelaps works really good and I haven't try but I read is the best one Dalotia (Atheta) coriaria.
So gnats for me was a big issue I hope u will fix faster and easier than me