Got growers certificate! You ask what is it, a certificate for up to 99 plants


:) yep new way for doctors to up your limit, cost here is 200 year. Anyway now that I have it anyone way south in Cali I can assist got a list of strains, hit me up!


Active Member
hmm,i have not heard anything about a new growers cert?I know they can up your count for edibles etc but i dont even know if this would hold up.


Active Member
California NORML strongly advises Prop 215 patients to continue following the SB 420 guidelines – six mature or 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of processed marijuana except where local guidelines specify more. The Supreme Court’s recent Kelly decision has been widely misinterpreted to imply that the limits no longer apply, and that patients can therefore grow as much as they want. In fact, the Court’s decision lets the police arrest anyone who exceeds the guidelines, The only thing it disallows is for the guidelines to be used as a basis for conviction in criminal trials.
So, unless you don’t mind being arrested and dragged into court for a felony trial, where you will have to show that the amount of marijuana you had was consistent with your medical needs, the best rule of thumb is to follow the guidelines. The Kelly decision simply re-affirms the original intent of SB 420, which was to establish reasonable guidelines for arrest - not automatic limits for guilty.
Found this at NORML...