I've never fired my Mdl19 with the wood grips either- I put Hogue grips on it right after I bought it
My BIL and I have a little bowling pin game- we shoot out in the woods at a spot where there's a steep dirt hill and set the pins up with one at the top, two in the middle and three at the bottom. 2 points are awarded for each pin you shoot, and one point for each pin that gets knocked down by another pin, so the max you can get is 12 points with 6 shots. The trick is to start at the bottom and work your way up unless you miss one, then you can try to "pick up the spare" by shooting one above the missed pin and hopefully having it take out the lower one. If you start at the top you run the risk of having the top pin take out all the lower ones so you only get 7 points