• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Got guns?


Ursus marijanus
(GardenGnome83 said)
"Lol, rifle team? Hahaha! That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read about! A team of micro-penis having, gun-toting weirdos lol.
Do you drive a lifted pickup, with some type of cliché of a bumper sticker (come and take 'em!), and camo somewhere on it?
I bet you do!
"Come and see how educated I am about guns". Pussy, you would need a gun. Cowards do." (/GardenGnome83)
@Flaming Pie Boy did you just get me lol!
I went back to Gnome's first quoted post there, and I replied. Imagine my surprise when I woke up in Politics. Aiee.

Here is what I responded to Mr. Rifle Team etc.

"I was on a rifle team once, briefly.

My enormous hydraulic attribute interfered too much when firing from the prone position.

I will say the idea that gun ownership correlates with cowardice is not only false but fundamentally dishonest. I detect a social engineer wearing the flayed pelt of a social justice warrior. It is that sort that seeks to insinuate that guns are somehow intrinsically uncivilized.

Fact is, guns in society are a profoundly civilizing influence. Social butthurt doesn't change the fact, but it is surprisingly effective at masking it. You are dangerous to a free society, gnome saying?"

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
@Flaming Pie Boy did you just get me lol!
I went back to Gnome's first quoted post there, and I replied. Imagine my surprise when I woke up in Politics. Aiee.

Here is what I responded to Mr. Rifle Team etc.

"I was on a rifle team once, briefly.

My enormous hydraulic attribute interfered too much when firing from the prone position.

I will say the idea that gun ownership correlates with cowardice is not only false but fundamentally dishonest. I detect a social engineer wearing the flayed pelt of a social justice warrior. It is that sort that seeks to insinuate that guns are somehow intrinsically uncivilized.

Fact is, guns in society are a profoundly civilizing influence. Social butthurt doesn't change the fact, but it is surprisingly effective at masking it. You are dangerous to a free society, gnome saying?"
Care if I put this part in my sig?

I will say the idea that gun ownership correlates with cowardice is not only false but fundamentally dishonest. I detect a social engineer wearing the flayed pelt of a social justice warrior. It is that sort that seeks to insinuate that guns are somehow intrinsically uncivilized.
Maybe I'll knock out one of Uncle buck's less offensive quotes.

Nah, who am I kidding. They are equally offensive.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Oh, how cute! You brought me here where the lunatics are!
Did you need someone who uses words good to help you? Can't type your own?
Oh nooooo, gun nuts..... I'm soooo scared!
Lol bunch of Nugent loving weirdos
Why so hateful?

Don't like your bigotry being shown to the respectable members of this site? Why don't you go play in your kiddie corner with Uncle Buck. Maybe he'll share his DABIQ mag with you. Make sure he gives you a clean one, he's a dirty little fucker.


Well-Known Member
http:// download.jpg

i gots one of these..

i have fun plinkin wit my supressed Beretta

also have an ak74
download (1).jpg
full auto 223 for snake killin, skeleton stock no wood anymore

and a few others but yea

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I need to wipe down some toys with an oily rag. Maybe I'll take some pics...
Already sold my .22-250 & spas12. Fun toys, but the money was right. The buyer of my rifle was more interested in optics than the gun itself. I tried to tell him what bullets & velocities were proven on the range, but he wanted to talk about Leopold vs Nikon.


Ursus marijanus
I need to wipe down some toys with an oily rag. Maybe I'll take some pics...
Already sold my .22-250 & spas12. Fun toys, but the money was right. The buyer of my rifle was more interested in optics than the gun itself. I tried to tell him what bullets & velocities were proven on the range, but he wanted to talk about Leopold vs Nikon.
OK so what powders and bullets do you recommend for my new rifle? :joint::bigjoint:

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
OK so what powders and bullets do you recommend for my new rifle? :joint::bigjoint:
The nail gun???
I loaded my own & got way better groups than with factory ammo. It's all about data because every gun is different. Things may have improved, but I remember rolling various factory bullets on my concentricity meter & they were FAR from straight.


Well-Known Member
I'm a Ruger fanboy. My favorite is my Ruger SP101 with a Wolfe spring/shim kit. Its been a long time, but I think I reduced to 9lb trigger pull and 8lb return spring. By far the smoothest running revolver I've ever owned.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I'm a Ruger fanboy. My favorite is my Ruger SP101 with a Wolfe spring/shim kit. Its been a long time, but I think I reduced to 9lb trigger pull and 8lb return spring. By far the smoothest running revolver I've ever owned.
Ruger makes great firearms. GP100 .357 mag is my all time favorite. Had a master gunsmith tune the trigger, which he said was much more difficult than S&W or Colt revolvers. It's always on home defense duty (Federal 125g JHP). Even if I miss, the bad guy will still be blind, deaf, and possibly on fire!


Well-Known Member
SR1911, .556, SR9C all great firearms as well to name a few. I sold the .556 and got a Zestava AK47 and put some "funtime" accessories on it. Pretty much about the only thing that isnt Ruger and its fun as hell.


Well-Known Member
Ruger makes great firearms. GP100 .357 mag is my all time favorite. Had a master gunsmith tune the trigger, which he said was much more difficult than S&W or Colt revolvers. It's always on home defense duty (Federal 125g JHP). Even if I miss, the bad guy will still be blind, deaf, and possibly on fire!
how do you think yiur hearing will fare?


Ursus marijanus
The nail gun???
I loaded my own & got way better groups than with factory ammo. It's all about data because every gun is different. Things may have improved, but I remember rolling various factory bullets on my concentricity meter & they were FAR from straight.
I still wanna know which powders worked with which bullet in that coyote gun. I have a 700 in that chambering I never fired. I'm wondering what worked for you.


Ursus marijanus
Not so good! .357 mag has got to be the loudest handgun on the planet. Sound wise, crack is much worse than boom.
Shooting .44 mag without hearing protection is WAY less painful than .357 -- but neither is recommended.
.454 Casull full bore loads are louder than a (bad word) .30-06.

With my loads, .357 and .44 were equally noisy.

Once I made the whole range put theirs down and gather 'round when I touched off a .45-70 handgun (a Contender built by J. D. Jones, mid pressures ... levergun style) with 405s moving at 1900. (Chronographed.) Whoooo.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I still wanna know which powders worked with which bullet in that coyote gun. I have a 700 in that chambering I never fired. I'm wondering what worked for you.
I gave my notebook to the guy who bought the gun, but I remember the Nosler 55g ballistic tip was the best bullet. 38.0 grains of H380 powder was perfect (hence the name). I can't recall the ideal seating depth but bullet jump was minimal. You can load them hotter but your groups will open up.


Well-Known Member
.454 Casull full bore loads are louder than a (bad word) .30-06.

With my loads, .357 and .44 were equally noisy.

Once I made the whole range put theirs down and gather 'round when I touched off a .45-70 handgun (a Contender built by J. D. Jones, mid pressures ... levergun style) with 405s moving at 1900. (Chronographed.) Whoooo.
My brother had a BFR in that 45-70, it was awesome! I like the casull round, but it is the plinker round in my 460:-D well, actually the .45 long is the real plinker in the 460 it shoots all 3, but i'd rather just load the 460 rounds down, and avoid the powder build up.
It was a blast. Before i sold my desert eagle i got ok at shooting both at the same time. The DE in left hand and 460 in right lol.

I almost bought the 500 but a .handgun 45 round(ftx) that goes 2200 fps? :-)
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