i lean more to the liberal side than i do to the conservative, but am somewhere firmly in the middle in reality. i think it would be a good idea to make it harder for criminals to get weapons, by more stringent background check, stopping person to person sales at gun shows, and requiring people to register weapons and immediately reporting their theft...
but i also think that as long as you pass those background checks, you should be able to own whatever you want, just short of fully automatic weapons. i personally have no use for "high capacity assault weapons"...whatever the fuck those are...but if that's what it takes to make you feel secure, then knock yourself out...although you might want to lay off the twinkies, go jogging, and take a self defense course, it might make you feel like less of a pussy that requires a weapon with large ammo capacity to feel safe...if you can't hit what you're aiming at with one round, you should practice more, if you can't hit it with three rounds, just put the fucking gun down and get a knife, you suck and are more likely to kill an innocent bystander than whoever you're aiming at