Got guns?


Virtually Unknown Member
Been ages since I did any shooting or buying ammo. Here's some site/pricing .45 ACP 230gr.
Check shipping $$.

Search engine for sites


Virtually Unknown Member
Neat story, looks like they have to DEWAT them though;

More of the story here;


Virtually Unknown Member
"If we see something so entirely unexpected like this, or a guy walking into a restaurant with a gun, are we prepared to make a public spectacle of epic proportions? If you saw something awry, would you, without hesitation, do something like break through a door or window where you “weren’t allowed to go” to escape before something bad started? I’d postulate that our brains are so strongly wired not to do crazy stuff like that in public that it would be a big mental hurdle to overcome in a split second." [food for thought,bb]

tech article

may have to sign up for this (free article)
"A person's subconscious can often notice subtle signs of danger that the conscious mind has difficulty quantifying or articulating."
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Virtually Unknown Member
I couldn't remember the model of the .380 I had (Mustang) and had to look it up.
Ran across this info on the "21' rule" while I was searching.

Tueller - How Close is Too Close
Rule breaker the-21 foot standard is misunderstood
A scientific examination of the 21-foot rule
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