got issues family..


Well-Known Member
Hey, first thing I would say is don't over water them (very bad)...only water when top inch is dry & enough to flood the medium a little bit. Actually the main reason for fungus gnats is too much water! u should leave the plant dry for a few days because gnats love to party in wet soil. Good luck :wink:


Well-Known Member
Not gnats. Gnats don't eat the leaves they lay eggs in soil and pretty much just get caught in the triches and are a mess. U have a piercing/sucking insect. Look under the leaves for possible spider mites. The stippling along the mid vein tells me it's not fungus gnats so take a look. As for treatment u can use any miticide if it is mites. Be sure u know what ur spraying for before u buy insecticides.
U could use just soapy water in a spray bottle with no problems too. Report back after u have found the culprit.


Active Member
I'm not seeing anything that looks like a nitrogen deficiency those holes are the bugs and the yellowing is just it killing that part of( kinda like carterising a wound) the problem I see is to much heat, guess is either lights are to close or you don't have a good enough exhaust. Is your ballest outside the tent/box


Well-Known Member
Thats one nasty looking bug lol. I had them take out my beloved BB moms years ago. Only had em once and dont ever want em again :shock:.


Well-Known Member
What makes em so problematic is ppl don't know they're there until it's too late many times. Ive got a background in pest management and am licensed to spray insecticides and I had to take a state exam to get my license. So I normally turn leaves over and look for problems when I'm examining them. If more guys would do that and look for the classic stippling that is caused by mites they would be much better off. So don't just look at the tops of leaves when you're looking at your plants guys...turn them leaves over and look at where mites and other pests live.
The problem is, I see no life (eggs, mites) under the leaves. I looked with a magnifying glass. Idk what this could be or what to do besides watch carefully.


Well-Known Member
Well the mites are hard enough to see you won't see the eggs at all, magnifying glass or not, but in my opinion it does look like insect damage. Could stippling be caused by something else? Probably not...but something mechanical caused it so as a precaution I would at least spray a soapy water spray or even insecticidal soap like Safer. No harm done if it's not mites or another insect.
Well the mites are hard enough to see you won't see the eggs at all, magnifying glass or not, but in my opinion it does look like insect damage. Could stippling be caused by something else? Probably not...but something mechanical caused it so as a precaution I would at least spray a soapy water spray or even insecticidal soap like Safer. No harm done if it's not mites or another insect.
I just got done trying that. I'll update u in a couple days or so. Thanks for the tip, Bud.
Whoop whoop!!! I've taken many peoples' advice. I have used 3 different types of homemade solutions: a cap of bleach in a gallon of water, lemon and lime juice mixed with water and soapy water mixture. Made my own yellow sticky pads for buds and finally!!!... NO BUGS!! THANKS ALOT FAMILY! My plants are showing love back now. I see signs that's they're fully female. Now I just want to know if I popped the light schedule to 12/12, if they would flower now or not. Idk if doing it too early will mess them up. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats and Nitrogen deficiency mostlikey. There is yellowing in some places along with tiny holes and wrinkling near yellowing leaves. Can anyone tell from the pic what I could do for sure? I got the gnats dying off currently. :)
Thanks for any info!
What is ur soil ph after that what is ur in going water ph is after that what kind of soil u use after that size pot an did you use lime an after that how long they been in the pot
Been in the pots for bout 3 weeks. Was in cups for 3 weeks. I'm not transplanting again. Water Ph was 4. Idk about the soil after I used my lime mixture. I don't have Ph tester