Got jacked yesterday


Sr. Verde

So some dude hit me up for 5g, I've hooked him up before, made some money off of him so I wasn't expecting anything, but I packed my switchblade in my pocket ready to go with the safety off.

Anyway, I have the shit on the scale, again, relaxed situation because I've hooked him up before.

His boy is peepin the buds and he keeps asking if it's bomb, he says, "Here let me smell", smells it, and then in a heartbeat with no warning is in full sprint out my front door.

I'm kind of like, "wait..... what?" And I leisurely walk out my from door to see him turning the corner in a full sprint ROFL.

Motherfucker jacked me of 4g (I only had 4g left as I got rid of the rest in like a day and a half :bigjoint:)

Anyway his friend, or whom I presumed to be his friend had the same reaction as myself, "What?" - - - This guy told me that the guy that jacked me called him up and said he would smoke him out if he came with him so thats what he was doing. He made no attempt to run and stayed with me and offered condolences, I ended up getting this guy a ride back to his crib down the street, he seemed straight.

It's just funny that this kid is a total idiot. Like really, running out of the house with 4g? I always have dank shit for significantly lower than the rest and he jacked me, what a fool.

I wonder what he would have done if I had asked for the money first. I mean I'm usually pretty chill with stuff especially hooking up regulars, I'm more about the love of bud and less about the money...

Oh well, I mean I didn't really loose money per say, he just got all his bud at high quantity prices. I phoned up about 4 more people who are in the same shit as me and basically blacklisted the guy.

Cheap lesson: Never trust anyone because they will do the most outlandish idiotic shit.

I have an idea on revenge, and it wouldn't result in me getting jumped (I could totally take this kid) but I'm contemplating wether or not I should even execute that. Like I did make money off this kid in the end which I personally find hilarious and now that I type this out it's just funny. I was pissed in the beginning but I'm actually pretty straight as far as me being able to continue what I'm doin

Thoughts? Anyone have any ideas as to why you would bring somebody along to a jacking when they have no idea what your planning and have no wish to go along with it?


Well-Known Member
Funny shit. You'd think he'd at least ask for more than 4 g's huh? now he can't get weed from your ever again.

Personally, if I thought I could beat him, I'd wait for the right day and time and just beat the shit out of him. But if that right day and time never came along it's no sweat, just 4 g's right.

Sr. Verde

Funny shit. You'd think he'd at least ask for more than 4 g's huh? now he can't get weed from your ever again.

Personally, if I thought I could beat him, I'd wait for the right day and time and just beat the shit out of him. But if that right day and time never came along it's no sweat, just 4 g's right.

Yeah, I mean it's not that much.

To someone else it may be but I dont think it's worth an assault charge.

Only problem with the beat down thing is apparently he has some crazy homies backin him and I would rather not carry a weapon on me to my school or anywhere else.

I'm thinkin a brick through his windshield in a few weeks with a note attached that says, "That's for fucking my boyfriend, slut"

That way I wont catch the heat and I wont have to watch my back and he will need something like $300 to replace his windshield.

I did have 7 people not including myself ready to go to his place to give him a nice, firm ass whooping over 4g. - - - Which makes me feel good to know I got good friends like that

Also: On the note of only taking 4g

I'm pretty sure he took little enough so that he wouldn't get his ass beat. To me that says, PUSSY!!!


I just read this thread after posting my own- pretty funny coincidence. I'd just say let it go, you already got him blacklisted so he's fucked long term, plus he'll be looking over his shoulder for a long time to come. That'll fuck with him pretty hard core.


Lol back in the day when I did some dirt one of my chick's old dealers whom I hooked up before and vise verse jacked me for 3.5 of some pretty decent purple kush.

Lmao it was the most bitch thing ever, rolled up in my car, him and his buddy are standin' around and he keeps scoping the buds and he like hesitated to take out his wallet and was like "well ey lemme see if my homie wants it" his buddy comes by and they scope out the nugs and then his homie says "aight then" and they start walkin off... I'm like "EY! WTF!"... drive off, went home pissed, called my bitch... found out he was over 18... The kid worked 3 stores away from my chicks work... like... he's ALWAYS in my neighborhood and he jacks me for a petty eighth? Lmao needless to say me and my friends and some "friends" of my friends met this fool on MULTIPLE occasions... true pussy, denied having anything to do with it, said it was his homie... needless to say he's homeless now and I see his dumbass walkin' around all the time.

Fuck sellin' in general but people are fucking shady... So glad he was over 18. >=D

Anyways, get a license and grow legally.