Got Root Rot? Roots Excelurator is a Pythium BOMB


Active Member
EVERYONE needs a can of RE on their shelf. The stuff is unreal.
I had been using it on and off in soil and just wasnt totally convinced. I found that at full strngth a brown sludge would build up and it would smell like shit (literally). Since then I have had no problems using it at 1/2 strength in soil.

Anywho then the res on my NFT fence post garden cracks and floods my room. I spend 8 hours tearing the room to bits, fabricating a new resevoir and modifying everyhting to fit.

That 8 hours in stagnant water was all the pythium needed to take hold. 24 hours after I got everything up and running every square inch of root in the garden was brown and sludgey.

I hit ti hard with H202 and that basically just maintained everything. The rot didnt get worse but it didnt get any better. Then I read people had good success with 1/4 strength doses of 35 or 29 percenet H202 delivered every other day. Same thing, it just maintained everything. So I did some searching and read that RE kills root rot. It is the only product I could find that anyone had made those kinds of claims with.

SO I hucked some in my resivoir and gave it 24 hours. What a difference 24 hours can make. The plants looked better, they werent wilting nearly as much. They still werent where they were befor the leak but they were much better. Then when I pull the net cups up I see white roots! I would say that with 24 hours 20% of the roots had come back and look fantastic.

I will check back in another 48 hours to see how things are going.

Everyone should have a bottle of this stuff even if you dont use it regularly, it should be there in case of a rot outbreak. I read pages and pages of people cutting roots and constantly treating with h202 for weeks in order to maintain a low level of growth. All of that can be avoided with RE.


I cant agree more. Hygrozyme is also something to look at. Ever since I started using RE, I have seen nothing but good results. It will more than likely always be a key factor in my set up.


Active Member

PLants are healthy and thriving again. The vast majority of the brown is gone. RE is the real deal.

Well-Known Member
i dont see how that shit could help that much all it is is 3.1% Nitrogen; and 3.4% Potassum and theres a lot of other products with that same shit in it. if im wrong please explain it to me because i would really like to know how that shit works


Well-Known Member
duhh.. Just take a sharp sterilized knife.. . and CUT ALL YOUR ROOTS OFF :) thus,. you will get red of the root rot.


Active Member
i dont see how that shit could help that much all it is is 3.1% Nitrogen; and 3.4% Potassum and theres a lot of other products with that same shit in it. if im wrong please explain it to me because i would really like to know how that shit works
It is a mychrozae (spelling?) product. Similar to Voodoo, Great White and the powdered spore products you can get for organic soil growing. This is the only innoculant on the market that is able to cure root rot though. H&G used to have a good description on their NL site but they seem to be changing it. A decent overview is still available on their .ca site here : H&G, like most other hobbyist nutrient companies like to hide behind the veil of "trade secret" when it comes to describing products.

As far as posting pics goes, I can't go back in time and take befor and after pics. I could post pics of the current state, but that wouldnt exactly prove much. One thing to consider is that this is the only product to claim to be able to cure root rot, this is the only product that after some searching you will find a significant amount of other people claiming it cured their root rot and its the only product I have ever seen a competing company actually recommend (fAT mIKE from AN released a video praising RE as the best rooting stimulant available, video is available on youtube).


Active Member
If you guys have a question about House & Garden…Just respond to this thread or message me…Let me put this confusion to bed……Roots Excelurator has beneficial bacteria in it….Would you put your secret recipe online? I don’t think so….Here is some info for you……….
This product is without a doubt the most powerful rooting stimulant available. It works by forming a membrane around roots and protecting them from harmful bacteria and fungus. Roots Excelurator will not only protect your plants from harmful root disease, but it will also cure existing cases of root rot.
Derived From: Organic biological organisms, Ammonium Nitrate, and Potassium Hydroxide.
Ingredients Explained: This amazing biological water and/or soil treatment protects the root zone by ridding the plant of unwanted microbial pests. This beneficial root stimulator will easily out perform all other root simulators! Roots Excelurator is packaged in an aluminum canister to preserve organic ingredients and beneficial organisms.
Application: Add 1.1 ml of Roots Excelurator to every gallon of water in the nutrient solution. Administer at every feeding during the first two weeks of the rearing cycle. At 1.1 ml/gallon, Roots Excelurator is the least expensive root stimulant, per dose, on the market.
So the pretty silver bottle is not for looks….This protects the bacteria by staying colder than plastic.