Got seeds but cant start yet, storage...?


Well-Known Member
Got my 10 master kush seeds, 10 THC bomb, and 10 free thai stick sticks, but I cant start a new grow for another 2 months. I'm 2 weeks into flowering some of bag seeds got 3 females so I'm going to finish them off. Question: I left the seeds I received in the little baggies and in the cd case, I put one of those moisture capturing packets in there, will that keep my seeds fresh for a good long while???

btw I ordered from Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices received them in 8 days of e-mail confirmation.


Well-Known Member
take the disacant out of there dude... if it sux all the moisture ouf of the seed the seed will die...


Well-Known Member
shiit, hope I didn't fuck them up. They are in their own little baggies sealed tight, but I'll remove that moisture packet when I get home.