got some seeds


i got some seeds from a friend, he said it could be anything from NY diesel to northern lights. I put some seeds in a wet/moist paper towel and have them sitting in a dark place, this was done 10-8-11.
My plan is to have a small grow just for me. Im either going to use an old PC case or stack two sterilite container on top of each other. Nothing fancy, it just has to be 100% stealth. I am growing in a 2nd floor apartment. The lights are going to be CFL due to the small space and the bulbs do not produce a lot of heat.

Let me know what you think i should do to improve the outcome of this grow.


Well-Known Member
How many PC cases do you plan on using? It looks like you're germinating about a dozen seeds, so I'm not sure what you're going to do with all of them once they crack.

Generally for PC/small stealth grows, people lean towards feminized seeds, so you only need to germ one or two at a time, and you're almost guaranteed a female plant.

I'm sure there's nothing worse than raising a single plant from seed to flower, only to find out that it's a male and has to be trashed and you have to start again.

Take a look at PC grows on this forum - there are some impressive results floating around.


Active Member
They look really nimble and they seem to be stretching due to lack of light. A healthy plant should have a straight stem. Also you germinated those seeds for way tooo long, those tails are huge. next time plant as soon as the seeds poke their tail.