Gotta pee...


Well-Known Member
...for a pre-employment drug test on Tuesday.

I tested negative today on a 20m home test i got from a headshop here. But i wonder how accurate are these $15 strip tests. Can i trust it?

Still got 3 days to keep flushing, but still a bit nervous....


Well-Known Member
I believe they watch at this place, which also makes me
As long as they don't offer to hold it for you there's lots of tricks to making things look normal even with someone watching from behind ....I'd be more worried about keeping the tempature of the donor piss at the right number ......oh and make sure your donor isn't a drug addict Prescriptions/meth etc etc. Good luck

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I stopped smoking for a month before my piss test...I still had a little thc in me but the nurse passed me.

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member
Drug stores sell piss test too. Try a different brand from shoppers or???? They should do as good as the piss labs, unless they use hair - then you are puckered.

They wont watch unless you are applying to become an alter boy - they talk about that on another site.

One way to pass every time ( known from experience ). Take in a couple of those little mayonnaise packs - from fast food and empty them in to the cup they give you. When you come out hand the lady the cup while holding a Hustler Mag in the other hand. You will be out of there in no time and they wont want you back ..... Just a an old oil field trick bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Drug stores sell piss test too. Try a different brand from shoppers or???? They should do as good as the piss labs, unless they use hair - then you are puckered.

They wont watch unless you are applying to become an alter boy - they talk about that on another site.

One way to pass every time ( known from experience ). Take in a couple of those little mayonnaise packs - from fast food and empty them in to the cup they give you. When you come out hand the lady the cup while holding a Hustler Mag in the other hand. You will be out of there in no time and they wont want you back ..... Just a an old oil field trick bongsmilie