Gov shut down

It was always a conditional. Quote me otherwise. You cannot.

yes i can.

You've never been denied a slot that was reserved to someone else with different skin color, then. I have, and it was offensive precisely because we came from similar socio-economic backgrounds.


even at arizona state university, they taught us the difference between the past tense, present tense, conditional, subjunctive, and the like.

apparently devryU didn't have the resources to equip you with the same skills.

you poor, stupid thing.
yes i can.

even at arizona state university, they taught us the difference between the past tense, present tense, conditional, subjunctive, and the like.

apparently devryU didn't have the resources to equip you with the same skills.

you poor, stupid thing.

If you went to ASU, that explains a lot.
You've never been denied a slot that was reserved to someone else with different skin color, then. I have, and it was offensive precisely because we came from similar socio-economic backgrounds.

I'm not claiming i know the precise person I was rejected in favor of of.

alright then, let's reconcile these two statements then.

you don't know the precise person that you were rejected in favor of (of), but you do know that you and the other applicant came from similar SES backgrounds.

given statement 1 (in blue), how do you know statement 2 (in red)?

did the college admissions office disclose to you such personal information about some other applicant?

did they make sure to inform you that the person they accepted was of a certain race AND of a similar socio economic status as you?

that strikes me as too oddly specific to ever be true. rejection letters are not like that.

post the rejection letter or it's complete bullshit.
alright then, let's reconcile these two statements then.

you don't know the precise person that you were rejected in favor of (of), but you do know that you and the other applicant came from similar SES backgrounds.

given statement 1 (in blue), how do you know statement 2 (in red)?

did the college admissions office disclose to you such personal information about some other applicant?

did they make sure to inform you that the person they accepted was of a certain race AND of a similar socio economic status as you?

that strikes me as too oddly specific to ever be true. rejection letters are not like that.

post the rejection letter or it's complete bullshit.

So because they didn't say they picked someone with brown or black skin over me it cannot be true?
alright then, let's reconcile these two statements then.

you don't know the precise person that you were rejected in favor of (of), but you do know that you and the other applicant came from similar SES backgrounds.

given statement 1 (in blue), how do you know statement 2 (in red)?

did the college admissions office disclose to you such personal information about some other applicant?

did they make sure to inform you that the person they accepted was of a certain race AND of a similar socio economic status as you?

that strikes me as too oddly specific to ever be true. rejection letters are not like that.

post the rejection letter or it's complete bullshit.

I have taken the US LSAT. This is a very good question and answer for it. He obviously fails.
Your country is giving away visas to people now to come here and help you. You people don't have enough money to invest to help yourselves. Throw in a paid 4 years at Stanford? Easy decision.

My daughter wanted Princeton but I hate the cold and I alone run my family. She was told where she will be going to school and she is a good daughter and accepts it even though it is her 2nd choice.

Don't you wish you had the same opportunities?

what do her actual parents think of this?

meh, they probably assume she is dead by now.

most colombian kidnappers sell their captives to brothels, are you taking a longer plan?

perhaps you expect her to land a rich american NBA player off whom you can mooch until he drops her for a younger whiter chick just before the playoffs...
what do her actual parents think of this?

meh, they probably assume she is dead by now.

most colombian kidnappers sell their captives to brothels, are you taking a longer plan?

perhaps you expect her to land a rich american NBA player off whom you can mooch until he drops her for a younger whiter chick just before the playoffs...

You are a bitter man and your life is sad. You have nothing to hope for until you die and when this happens you will be forgotten.
You are a bitter man and your life is sad. You have nothing to hope for until you die and when this happens you will be forgotten.

So because they didn't say they picked someone with brown or black skin over me it cannot be true?

i am not saying it cannot be true.

i am pointing out that you said it was true.

you said that it happened to you.

you said the college admissions office specifically informed you that you were rejected in favor of someone of a diffewrent race and a similar socio economic status.

no one can believe that.

you are backtracking.

in short, you told a lie.
i am not saying it cannot be true.

i am pointing out that you said it was true.

you said that it happened to you.

you said the college admissions office specifically informed you that you were rejected in favor of someone of a diffewrent race and a similar socio economic status.

no one can believe that.

you are backtracking.

in short, you told a lie.

I never made the claim that you made. Thus you are lying.
I never made the claim that you made. Thus you are lying.

You've never been denied a slot that was reserved to someone else with different skin color, then. I have, and it was offensive precisely because we came from similar socio-economic backgrounds.

how did you find out about the two bolded claims you made?

how did you find out that college admissions officers "denied a slot" to you to "someone else with a different skin color"?

how did you find out that "we" (you and the other applicant) "came from similar socio-economic backgrounds"?

who told you that?

how did you determine the socio-economic background of the other applicant? how did you determine the skin color of the other applicant?

these are things that no college admissions officer, especially of a "top national university", would disclose to a rejected participant.

i want answers to my questions.

the claims you made are not even remotely believable without a photograph of the rejection letter or e-mail.