Gov shut down

You can stop with the "we will never see another republican president" clap trap. You sound like Barbara Boxer. As if you have the republican party's needs and interests at heart. I'm not even a republican and can see right through you. FYI: Ted Cruz defeated an establishment republican in the primaries by running as a conservative. Stop making stuff up, and creating fictional arguments.

i heard that "donut" type pillows are available at cvs for your butthurt:lol:
i heard that "donut" type pillows are available at cvs for your butthurt:lol:

I don't get it. Was that an inside joke between you and buck and your gay sex? Are we still talking about your fascination with Ted Cruz, or are you changing the subject all of the sudden?
how did you find out about the two bolded claims you made?

how did you find out that college admissions officers "denied a slot" to you to "someone else with a different skin color"?

how did you find out that "we" (you and the other applicant) "came from similar socio-economic backgrounds"?

who told you that?

how did you determine the socio-economic background of the other applicant? how did you determine the skin color of the other applicant?

these are things that no college admissions officer, especially of a "top national university", would disclose to a rejected participant.

i want answers to my questions.

the claims you made are not even remotely believable without a photograph of the rejection letter or e-mail.

So, your point is that as long as they keep all the discrimination on the down-low and they have plausible deniability, then it's all cool. Admission decisions are made in precisely the manner tokeprep outlines: Asians and Caucasians get points subtracted from GPA/SAT scores, Negros and Hispanics get a plus up. Anybody with competitive GPA and test scores who is rejected would be foolish not to assume they were discriminated against based on their melanin deficit.

The fact that colleges keep the test scores and GPAs of the entering class a closely guarded secret speaks for itself. Since there is such suspicion (and a reasonable suspicion, I might add) that the admissions people are cooking the books, they ought to list all of their admission decisions for every applicant along with the applicant's race and scores and let us see for ourselves whether they are a bunch of racist lefties or not; names could be omitted to protect privacy. Heck, even an average of the entering class by race would help. You and I know they won't do that, and we know why. Sunshine is the best disinfectant...
Obamacare is the Atomic bomb to the Republicans. They know people will like it and they are worried that will be reflected in the voting booth.

This is just a repeat of history:

December 2,
- Leading
conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy
document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional
Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it
presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the
Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of
the party.

Have you looked at the polling about ACA? It is not popular with the majority of Americans. It is a cluster fuck on par with the federal tax code.
actually, no. the CIA or secret service or whatever security detail is protecting the president collects obama's poop for security reasons.

at least they do when he is overseas, not sure about domestically.

Is that true? That is just perverse enough to be true. The presidential loaf is a state secret!
Have you looked at the polling about ACA? It is not popular with the majority of Americans. It is a cluster fuck on par with the federal tax code.

They never polled the question
If the choice was between nothing or Obamacare

Obamacare would win a majority

You always leave that part out. half of those unhappy with Obamacare wanted single payer
Finally. somebody who gets it

Seems HR2775 passed.

Cant cry about the Republicans anymore, and at least the condition they added made sense.
The Republican attempt to de-fund The Affordable Care Act, through the debt ceiling, was a fools errand. They have damaged their brand so much, they have just about given the next presidency to the Democrats......nice going, you dim wits............
The Republican attempt to de-fund The Affordable Care Act, through the debt ceiling, was a fools errand. They have damaged their brand so much, they have just about given the next presidency to the Democrats......nice going, you dim wits............

You sound like just another drone who decided to stop by real quick and regurgitate all the same left wing liberal spittling dribble that I've been hearing all week.
It's over. They fooled you...
but here's a possible equation that may help predict this situation in the future:


where the limits of dumbass go from "brazilian pi" to "Dental-floss jungle pi"