Government making money off of students

we didn't have a true under class before the war on poverty? i disagree, what about for instance, hmm, hill people, poor dirt farmers, mountain men, crop farmers, swamp people, i could go on and on really...
sure, the lower, under class has grown by leaps and bounds, but i'm pretty sure so long as we've had rich people, we've also had people who didn't have a bucket to piss in..
They were all pretty much self supporting.

People where I'm from, up in the mountains, they might not have had 1000 dollars per year in today's money, but they grew and killed their own food, and provided all their own needs.

They had dignity.

But today they all live in free trailers and get a monthly check, and the more kids they have, the more everyone else has to give them.
They were all pretty much self supporting.

People where I'm from, up in the mountains, they might not have had 1000 dollars per year in today's money, but they grew and killed their own food, and provided all their own needs.

They had dignity.

But today they all live in free trailers and get a monthly check, and the more kids they have, the more everyone else has to give them.

well, sure, they might have been self sustaining, but that doesn't make them any less of a lower class.. i see your point, but poor is poor, whether you hunt for your food, or you use your ebt card to buy it.. none of these people in either case are driving around in limos and living high on the hog in fenced communities...
my $,02
To me, being very poor, and being an underclass are different.

By underclass I'm almost talking like a cast style social structure like India has.

It's complex.

But to say we could do something because scandinavia does it is unrealistic.

They have vast mineral wealth per capita. North Sea oil and all that.

Very low population.

Very small geographic area where the vast majority of the population lives.

And our percentage of poor was going way down when we started the war on poverty.

Perhaps we did have an underclass, It doesn't really matter.

Ours is larger than scandinavias population.

Also, because scandinavia is so monoculture population wise, their voting electorate seem to agree more on what to do.

If you took all the white western European people and kicked almost everyone else out of America our politics probably would not be as divided.

How multicultural is Norway and Sweden?

Sums it up, indeed..

I would give $25.00 of every paycheck I earned if it went towards secondary education, and I'm sure most Americans would too.

Seriously, conservatives today are completely out of touch with reality, which is the overwhelming obstacle when it comes to educating the population. They don't want smart Americans because, as Carlin said, smart Americans go against their interests, which is to make money. They want people just smart enough to run the machines but just dumb enough to not ask questions..
You spend SO much more, and for what?

Debt, debt, debt.

Who pays more in taxes throughout their lfe?

The educated or the welfare bum?

Its a simple maths game and you guys are failing to see it...seems to support what Iv said too ;)
We can't have all those things AND the type of military we have.

China has very ambitious plans for their blue water navy.

They have 3 subs with ICBMs, an aircraft carrier that is a joke with two more planned.

Russia has a respectable sub fleet, not much on the surface.

England has a handful of small carriers.

We're probably 10 times as powerful as the rest of the combined navies of the world.

We made the decision a long time ago to be that country.

Probably can't go back now.
We can't have all those things AND the type of military we have.

China has very ambitious plans for their blue water navy.

They have 3 subs with ICBMs, an aircraft carrier that is a joke with two more planned.

Russia has a respectable sub fleet, not much on the surface.

England has a handful of small carriers.

We're probably 10 times as powerful as the rest of the combined navies of the world.

We made the decision a long time ago to be that country.

Probably can't go back now.
So pay some more taxes so that the taxpayer pool grows instead of the welfare pool (which will eventually result in higher taxes, yeah).

Again, its a maths problem which ALWAYS comes out in favour of universal access to education.

Imagine Einstein hadnt been able to go to school? After high school he couldn't go to college?

The world would be a MUCH more backwards place.
Not everything has to be politicised.
Access to quality education should be our number one priority. Far too often it's the last one in line when all the money gets handed out.

My city is always crying broke when it comes to schools yet they wonder why they have one of the biggest poverty issues in the country.
the other day I saw an article saying that jeantelle from the Trayvon case got her diploma and that bitch cant even write.
She heard wet grass for fucks're telling me someone like her is ready for college and higher learning?

Its simple. It goes like this.
Poor education; both the lack of resources and parental involvement = poor people.
Poor people = crime
Crime = prisons we have to pay for.

lack of quality education hurts our economy and weakens us as a nation.

agreed. now all you need to do is convince a republican.
So pay some more taxes so that the taxpayer pool grows instead of the welfare pool (which will eventually result in higher taxes, yeah).

Again, its a maths problem which ALWAYS comes out in favour of universal access to education.

Imagine Einstein hadnt been able to go to school? After high school he couldn't go to college?

The world would be a MUCH more backwards place.
In the United States, spending on education has special interest tied in just like anything else.

It goes to teacher's unions.

I don't think the american psyche would allow giving people money to go to school.

I've often thought the same thing, that my education is good for me, and the country.

I'm not saying this is a bad idea. I'm saying that it's probably impossible in the United States to do what they do in Denmark.
Sums it up, indeed..

I would give $25.00 of every paycheck I earned if it went towards secondary education, and I'm sure most Americans would too.

Seriously, conservatives today are completely out of touch with reality, which is the overwhelming obstacle when it comes to educating the population. They don't want smart Americans because, as Carlin said, smart Americans go against their interests, which is to make money. They want people just smart enough to run the machines but just dumb enough to not ask questions..
our schools do not turn out educated people. they are indoctrination centers.
Seriously, conservatives today are completely out of touch with reality,

No, conservatives are totally in touch with reality. Liberals are totally in touch with ideology. Just because one dreams of a perfect society where everyone gets a trophy, no one works yet everyone has everything they need is ideology. Obviously, that will never be a reality.
In the United States, spending on education has special interest tied in just like anything else.

It goes to teacher's unions.

I don't think the american psyche would allow giving people money to go to school.

I've often thought the same thing, that my education is good for me, and the country.

I'm not saying this is a bad idea. I'm saying that it's probably impossible in the United States to do what they do in Denmark.
You know you could still maintain your ENTIRE military if they were used purely defensively (as long as their inefficient spending bullshit was curbed too) AND educate every single child from pre-primary to third level?
You know you could still maintain your ENTIRE military if they were used purely defensively (as long as their inefficient spending bullshit was curbed too) AND educate every single child from pre-primary to third level?
That would be above the ability of our politicians to figure out.
They know full fucking well, the arms manufacturers and "private security" firms wouldnt have it tho and would stop their "political donations" (read: bribes).
They wouldn't have to.

Any defense project worth it's salt is spread out over hundreds of congressional districts.

That makes them immune to common sense reductions because of jobs.

The really shitty part is that it's got to be so much more expensive to do it that way.
We can't have all those things AND the type of military we have
Exactly. If we cut military spending in half we would be at the same amount we were pre-9/11. That's a savings of 350 billion dollars!
You could build at least 350 top tier colleges with that one year of savings alone.
Exactly. If we cut military spending in half we would be at the same amount we were pre-9/11. That's a savings of 350 billion dollars!
You could build at least 350 top tier colleges with that one year of savings alone.
Our government does stupid stuff.

Look at what they spend to "fight poverty. "

They could just pay that money to the famalies directly and they'd all be out of poverty. But somehow we spend all that money and people are still poor.
These are the issues we should really be talking about. People avoid talking about it because there are no easy answers. It seems like trying to fight special interests and lobbyists and the military industrial complex and everybody else who's making money off of our political system is too much of an uphill battle. It's easier to rant and rave about stupid partisan talking points that have little to no consequences.

The politicians of the last 40 years or so have not done right by us.

These ideas to me seems so common sense and simple and I just don't understand what the obstacles are.

I look at this country similar to a pop star. we made a few really good albums when we were hungry and nobodies then we got rich and complacent, thinking we would just live off of the royalties.
somewhere along the line we just STOPPED investing in our future. Somehow this ultra short sighted philosophy took over. I.e. the real estate bubble in 2008 and now the impending student loan bubble.
I see the irony trolly trollsalot, still pretty good considering i'm using my phone.
Seriously, how do we start to change our priorities, wake up and do some common sense shit without it being all partisan and silly?
End the dollar? Oh wait, that ball is already rolling.