Well-Known Member
Yes, obviously car manufacturers are overproducing. How do they measure a correct supply/demand when there are some idiots that change their car every year? A car can last 100,000 miles. Change the oil on time, do the maintenance. Not hard at all. On top of that bullshit, many americans get their "car" on credit, not minding that their throwing money away just to have the newest fad, instead of a standard piece of machinery that can be with the Fam for the same amount of time a good dog can. Since when did an Automobile become like a pair of sneakers?
Got any evidence that GM is overproducing? Their sales are on a pretty stready upwards swing ATM, surely that wont go on forever - but who says they're just building cars indefinantly?
4 stars! Looks like GM's cars aren't so unpopular? OK, so you are pointing out that GM uses non-American workers as well - so? Doesn't almost every multi-national? If you dont like free trade than I dont know what to tell you - because it's not going anywhere anytime soon.