GRAFTING?? Chinese maple/ SATIVA

Well-Known Member
this is more of a Q&A for me, just curious.

now say i was to graft a sativa strain into a limb of a chinese maple, after the sativa was to flower an i was to pull the buds off. what would happen.. would the limp die off because if the stress of being on a annual tree, ie weather an what not.

this was my first stop for information, just curious before i start to really dig for info.

trichome addict

Active Member
AFAIK this won't work,cannabis has similar genetic makeup to nettles and hops,there have been experiments in the past(unsucsessfull)trying to graft to the hops plant.


Well-Known Member
AFAIK this won't work,cannabis has similar genetic makeup to nettles and hops,there have been experiments in the past(unsucsessfull)trying to graft to the hops plant.
Exactly.... As far as these past experiments go if it didnt work with hops then I highly doubt it would work with a tree.. However I havent seen or heard of such expermints although I would expect that what I have quoted above is correct.

Although if you were to want to experiment your self then I would try it on a Hackberry tree instead of a maple. The hackberry tree is atleast in the same genetic family as weed but the odds I expect would be extreemly thin that this worked.