Grammatical Annoyances


Active Member
man there are some butchers of the english language in this forum. does it get to anyone else? i mean, we all have are literal quirks...for instance i refuse to use the 'shift' key. in a hurry i can often mix 'your' and 'you're', yet know the difference between the two. i'll often break up or downright butcher proper sentence structure because i prefer to type in the same manner that i speak...
but wow i see some people here are on the grammar/spelling level of the average 12 year old. others are...ok, but seem to exhibit many holes in their english education. ...and yes, i'm aware that some folks here speak english as a second language-kudos to them.

so point it out here and correct it. maybe a few will read this thread and learn something new and better their communication skills as a result.

here's one that irritates me:

"would of" "should of" "could of"

...instead of:

"would have" "should have" "could have"

oh and please, don't quote people or make it obvious that you're mocking them.
for all intensive purposes, this is not an attack thread. i'm hoping that this thread might actually be constructive. ok so....anyone?

(oh, i threw another common error in there....first person who points out gets an internet cookie :p )


Well-Known Member
man there are some butchers of the english language in this forum. does it get to anyone else? i mean, we all have are literal quirks...for instance i refuse to use the 'shift' key. in a hurry i can often mix 'your' and 'you're', yet know the difference between the two. i'll often break up or downright butcher proper sentence structure because i prefer to type in the same manner that i speak...
but wow i see some people here are on the grammar/spelling level of the average 12 year old. others are...ok, but seem to exhibit many holes in their english education. ...and yes, i'm aware that some folks here speak english as a second language-kudos to them.

so point it out here and correct it. maybe a few will read this thread and learn something new and better their communication skills as a result.

here's one that irritates me:

"would of" "should of" "could of"

...instead of:

"would have" "should have" "could have"

oh and please, don't quote people or make it obvious that you're mocking them.
for all intensive purposes, this is not an attack thread. i'm hoping that this thread might actually be constructive. ok so....anyone?

(oh, i threw another common error in there....first person who points out gets an internet cookie :p )
Too easy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
it bugs me some times. ill look right over a thread with blatant misspellings in the title. if they cant provide a compelling and intellectual title, what reason do i have to read the rest of it?

or if people would just REALIZE that there is a spell check

and im with you on typing the way you speak. i never hit shift unless its to SHOUT something, and ill use a word like "gotta" some times


Well-Known Member
Its not so much the minute grammatical errors that get to me. It's the fools who think its cool to type using the smiley faces we have as words....

for example "Oh man I got so :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: last night I just had to :hump: my girlfriend......then I took another bongsmilie and got all types of :eyesmoke:......:peace: man"

That gets on my nerves more than anything else.


Active Member
"all intensive purposes"

I believe the phrase is, "for all intents and purposes."

People who mess up, you're and your, are my biggest pet peeve.:peace:


Well-Known Member
"all intensive purposes"

I believe the phrase is, "for all intents and purposes."

People who mess up, you're and your, are my biggest pet peeve.:peace:
just like how i dont hit shift, i also wont use the apostrophe button

youll see allot of your and dont and dosnt s from me


Active Member
So you get to choose which rules of grammar we should follow?

I think it's ridiculous to chastise people for their grammatical short comings while trotting out plenty of your own.

Is the act of pressing the shift key concurrently to another key beyond your manual dexterity?:peace:


Well-Known Member
i don't use capitals. it's a "thing" of mine.

i'm lazy. the whole 2 keys at once thing. i'd have to drop my lighter. :)


Well-Known Member
i think the original poster is not giving enough credit to the
grammatical abilities of your average 12 year old.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if his were this way, but i spelled all that wrong intentionally to irritate a few grammar nazis


Well-Known Member
I get annoyed at people who get annoyed easily, it's definitely not a strength, it's kind of wimpy to be bothered by such trivial and irrelevant things.

For some people the act of staying grammatically perfect is a kind of intellectual proprioceptor neuromuscular facilitation and can be hard to achieve particularly if one is baked(like I am now), which the forum title 'toke n' talk' seems to reiterate quite clearly.

Sorry just thought I'd give my two cents.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh yes, I am one of those people who get annoyed by this. Even though my grammar skills are not the best, I do my best.

I was considering starting a thread very similar to this a while ago, but I decided against the idea because i did not think anyone else was really bothered by it.

Can someone give me the power to edit others spelling mistakes? haha :D